Katlijin Malfliet – The CIS, The EU & Rusia



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Katlijin Malfliet – The CIS, The EU & Rusia

The CIS, the EU, and Russia focuses on the difficulties facing Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus with regard to their integration into both the CIS and the encroaching EU. It analyzes the links between the integration mechanisms of the CIS and EU and the various state policies towards, and the elite interests in, the territory of the former Soviet Union.

About the Author

KATLIJN MALFLIET is Research Director for Central and Eastern Europe at the Institute for International and European Policy (at K.U. Leuven), Belgium. Katlijn studied Law and Philosophy at the Catholic University of Leuven (K.U. Leuven). She received an M.A. in East European Studies from the Universities of Ghent, Brussels and Leuven, and a PhD in Legal Science from K.U.Leuven.

LIEN VERPOEST is a research fellow at the Institute for International and European Policy (K.U. Lueven), Belgium. Lien studied Slavonic Languages and Eastern European Culture (K.U. Leuven and Saint Petersburg State University) and International Relations and Conflict Management (Lund University, Sweden and K.U. Leuven). She also obtained an MA in Eastern European Studies from the universities of Ghent, Brussels and Leuven.

EVGENY VINOKUROV is a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute for World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, Russia. He received his LLM from the University of Göttingen and PhD from Kaliningrad State University.

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