John Alanis – How To Get Newspapers And Mags To Write About You
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John Alanis – How To Get Newspapers And Mags To Write About You
How to Get Newspapers and Magazines to Write Articles About You For FREE That Compel Desirable Women to Contact You By John E. Alanis. Can you actually get newspapers and magazines to write articles about you… articles that will literally compel desirable women to contact you? The answer is an unqualified “YES!” I’ve done it many times, and I’ll be honest with you–it is the fastest, easiest way to meet women I’ve ever discovered. See, when newspapers, magazines and TV shows do a story on you, people automatically assume you’re a celebrity or you’re famous or you’re an expert on something. And women love to meet celebrities and famous people. Simply having an article written about you gives you instant authority… and if you’ve read through my “Secrets of Natural Attraction” book, you know that women crave a man who can define authority for them. What I love about getting “ink” is, I don’t have to do any work whatsoever to define authority for a woman–if she sees me in the paper, she already presumes I have authority over her. I’m “somebody.”
Plus, it doesn’t hurt that she can make her friends jealous by showing them the article with my photo and name in it, and then tell them she’s seeing me. But why would the media write an article about YOU? The answer is simple, really: everyday the newspaper, radio, TV, and now websites have to have compelling, interesting stories for their readers, or their readers will get bored and go somewhere else. And then ad revenues will drop. This is a BAD thing for the media… they don’t like it when ad revenues drop. So, there is a tremendous pressure everyday for the media to find new stories. It never ends. Everyday media people wake up, wondering if they’re going to find a great story. That’s where you come in. If you help them out, and give them a great story, they’ll happily write an article about you. In exchange for a great story, they’ll print your contact info – phone number, address, or even better these days, a website. And, if you give them a really great story and treat them professionally, they’ll keep writing stories about you, if you give them good ones. Soon enough, you’ll have media contacts, and you’ll be a “source” even an “expert.” And you’ll meet as many women as you want, anywhere in the country you want. If you remember my sales letter, one of the women I met through an article lived on the western coast of Washington State. She read the article, went to my website, and contacted me. We talked on the phone, hit it off, had some amazing times, and then she introduced me to a friend of hers. I was literally meeting women three years later as the result of one small article in one small city.
I actually had several women from a singles group call me up because one of their out of state friends sent them an article they saw in the San Jose Mercury News. I went to meet them, and wound up going home with one of them 40 minutes after I met her. I really didn’t have to say a thing… they all treated me like I was a celebrity, simply because there was an article about me in the paper. You can do the exact same thing. It really is easy. All I did was give the media a compelling story, and they gave me free exposure. That was it. And in this report, I’ll show you step by step how to do the same. – John Alanis, author “Secrets of Natural Attraction”
About Author:
John Alanis has created a variety of different dating and seduction products that can help you get women to approach you. Is he for real? You are going to have to read some of his articles and make that decision for yourself..
John Alanis knows women. “In some circles,” he writes on his completely insane website, “I’m known as the The King of Let ’em Come to You.” Well guess what, John? Now we’re comin’ to you. Buckle up!
How do I even begin to explain the wonder that is John Alanis? Perhaps it’s best to start with his life story, which he lays out in great detail on his site, using yellow highlighted passages AND bolded lettering to make sure that you get the picture. Young John Alanis was, as these stories often begin, a geek as a youth, terribly overlooked by the beautiful ones. Like so many before him, he could not understand why the popular girls dated the asshole jocks instead of the “nice” guys. As is standard in these tales, John Alanis then went through a physical transformation after high school and was able to score the very same hot girls who passed him by as a youth. But as soon as he was nice to them, they bolted! Because women love jerks, that’s why.
Anyway, the story goes on for about 900 more paragraphs, with anecdotes about a girlfriend named Sin who “loved to Sin!” and a trip to see “I’m Gonna Git You Sucka” thrown in for good measure, until we get to the point: all of the heartache and rejection that John Alanis has suffered has made him an expert on relationships, and he wants to help you score the lady of your dreams.
Alanis claims his system is built around the concept of “biological attractiveness.” His site reads like a Dog Whisperer for women, which is fitting, as he tends to portray women as easily manipulated, trainable creatures that will fall at your feet as soon as you unlock the secrets of making a woman feel “it,” which Alanis describes as “the one, almost indescribable feeling, that beautiful, desirable women spend their lives looking for in a man, yet rarely experience.” The whole thing reeks of a scam, with the site broken down into separate pieces that don’t really link up, and hyperbolic statements on Alanis’ behalf like “WARNING: When you use these secrets, you have to be careful not to attract too many women at once, or your life can quickly become a “living hell!” I made that mistake once, and I’ll never do it again… you must be careful to use these secrets in moderation, and not abuse them.” Riiiiight.
The internet is filled with John Alanises (Alani?), and websites like this aren’t too special, I suppose. But there’s an element of Alanis’ site that raises him above the other would-be dating professionals of the world: he’s also kind of a jackass who believes that the “liberal media” is to blame for our society of “girly men.” Oh, and his website is filled with scantily clad women and passages about gaining “total power” and “control” over your relationships. You know, a really healthy perspective on things. Here’s a little glimpse: Imagine how exciting your life will be when you put these attraction secrets to work for you. Doesn’t this woman look excited, you guys? She can’t fucking wait for a dude using this system to sweep her off her feet. You do NOT have to be a ‘jerk’ or change ‘who you are’ to attract women. No. You just have to be extremely manipulative and view them as objects that you can mold to your own personal liking. Women are supposed to approach YOU first, not the other way around! I mean really, you guys! And when women DO approach you first, this is typically the outfit they will be wearing. You NEVER want to waste time with a crazy woman or one who’s just plain mean. And I mean, look at this woman! She’s wearing sleeves! What an uptight crazy bitch, am I right? Honestly, you guys, this website is so insane that I can’t even really put it into words, so I’ll just let John Alanis speak for himself:
How to win the undying devotion of every woman in your life, whether they are just friends, lovers or adventure partners. They’ll think you’re a “rare man” and literally fight to introduce their hot friends to you. (Believe it or not, woman take a tremendous amount of pride in “hooking their friends up” with a great guy… discover how to be “that man”).
Do you like “younger women,” you know, hot little 19 -23 year olds with firm bodies, “girls who just want to have fun?” You’ll discover how to get them to flock to you no matter your looks, age or income. They may not want to be seen in public with you, but who cares… let them know you can “deliver the goods” and they’ll sneak into your house just to be with you.
Or, maybe you like older women, “milfs?” Oh my, these women can be fun, and most don’t have the “young ideas” other women have… all they want to do is “blow their circuits” (and yours) while they still have a few years left… you’ll discover how to be the man they call when they’re bored. WARNING: you’d better be in good shape and have great “stamina” when you play with these women… they’ll wear you out from start to finish.
Does a woman you lust after have a “boyfriend?” No problem, here’s how to make her completely forget about him, and come running to you. OR, even better, let her keep the boyfriend (so he can pay for the fancy dinners, the big house, and the leased luxury car) and come to you so you can make her deepest fantasies come true. Why be the boyfriend when you can be the “fantasy man” who fulfills all the needs the boyfriend can’t?
How to get her to do anything (and I mean anything) sexually for you, in a way that brings her incredible pleasure. Most women are open to ANYTHING, if you know how to approach her. This one little secret will allow you to live out all your male fantasies no matter how “intense”… and she’ll come up with new ones you never even knew existed!
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