Joel Hasbrouck – Empirical Market Microstructure



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Joel Hasbrouck – Empirical Market Microstructure

The book discusses the mechanisms by which securities are traded, as well as examining economic models of asymmetric information, inventory control, and cost-minimizing trading strategies.

“Joel Hasbrouck provides the first integrated introduction to the most important models of empirical market microstructure. The development is logical and easy to follow. Students and practioners will undoubtedly greatly appreciate the care with which Hasbrouck has identified the strengths and weaknesses of the models, and their relations to each other. This book represents an outstanding synthesis of academic work over the last 20 years. It is–and will long be–the authoritative treatment on the subject.”–Larry Harris, Fred V. Keenan Chair in Finance, USC Marshall School of Business and author of Trading and Exchanges (OUP, 2002)

About the Author
Joel Hasbrouck is the Kenneth G. Langone Professor of Business Administration and Professor of Finance at the Stern School of Business, New York University. In addition to teaching at Stern, he has served as a constultant to the New York Stock Exchange and the American Stock Exchange, and on the scientific adviosry board of ITG, Inc. and Nasdaq’s economic advisory board.

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