Jason Capital – The PRIVATE Seduction System



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Jason Capital – The PRIVATE Seduction System

What’s Included:

1) Video 1 – Stolen Identity Game! + Audio Version
2) Video 2 – Sex Planting with Jason Capital! + Audio Version
3) Video 3 – Get Admired + Audio Version
4) Video 4 – 3 Keys To Creating A Sex Addict! + Audio Version
5) Video 5 – Sexualized Conversations with Jason Capital! + Audio Version
6) Video 6 – Completely Unedited The Threesome Solution + Audio Version
7) Video 7 – Where to Go + Audio Version
8) Video 8 – The Dark Side of Seduction + Audio Version
9) Video 9 – The Undeniable Formula + Audio Version
10) Video 10 – The FIX + Audio Version
11) Video 11 – Turning That Test Into SEX + Audio Version
12) Video 12 – The Cockblocker Solution + Audio Version
13) Video 13 – The F-Me Formula (Mastering PushPull) + Audio Version
14) Video 14 – The Doable Detector + Audio Version
15) Ebook – 50 Questions
16) Ebook – Secret Banter Training

Course Description

The 15 Secret Strategies Of My Most Successful Private Coaching Clients…
My name’s Jason Capital and as you may know… each month I coach dozens of guys to incredible success in a PRIVATE elite program on love, sex and seduction.
And right now, I’d like to give you the rare opportunity to get those same “best of the best” trainings at a one-time low, low fee (how do you feel about 85% OFF deals?)..
Below I’ve put together a one-time-only collection of my very best “closed-door” programs called “The PRIVATE Seduction System”.
These are the very same tools, techniques and strategies used only by my elite ‘inner circle’.
However, because you put your faith in me, this is…

Your one-time-only opportunity to get these advanced trainings at one low, low price…
First… in order to show you how POWERFUL these trainings really are… let me introduce you to a client of mine, David.
David is 26 years old and a student of mine for less than six months. He has studied, absorbed and… this is important part… APPLIED the very same trainings you’re about to get YOUR hands on.
And right now he’s going to share the kind of pantie-moistening escapade YOU can look forward to.

In David’s own words, here’s what happened:
“Hey Jason, it’s David, and here’s my story..
It all started in a bar. (Don’t all good things?) My buddies and I are downing some beers before heading out to a ball game.
So I’m watching a few of my buddies play beer pong when, out of the corner of my eye, I see this girl walking towards me.
She’s a brunette. Tight jeans. So tight it looks like they’ve been painted on. And the kind of rack that makes you wanna get on your knees and beg for buttermilk.
I’d been making a very particular type of eye contact earlier and it seemed to be paying off. She says…
“Can we have the next game?”
And she’s pointing to this guy over in the corner who was already hitting on her the past half hour.
So I say…
“I don’t know. I’m pretty sure I can kick your ass and that might make you cry”.
Naturally, I’m smirking and laughing as I say this.
She says
“No fucking way!”
So I reply…
“It’s on!”
(And as you’ll see in a sec it was “on” in more ways than just beer pong.)
Here’s the fun part… after 10 minutes of using your Stolen Identity Game, this guy is looking over at me. He’s got this jealous look in his eyes like he wants to punch my lights out.
So I take the girl by the hand and push her flat against the wall.
She gasps, looks a little shocked and I start throwing some cold reads at her. Stuff like “you’re not from this city, are you..” and “I’ll bet you were a science major”. All that good stuff you taught me Jason.
I take her hand and give her a spin so that she has ME up against the wall and she says…
“Oh my God you’re such a CHARMER!”
And I’m just lauging my ass off to myself. Then I say:
“What’s the craziest thing you did today?”
And right at that moment I move in for the kiss.
After a couple minutes she pulls away and she’s like
“I can’t, I have a boyfriend!”
Next thing I know her friend comes out of nowhere and cockblocks!
The friend starts ripping on me… making fun of my glasses… calling me a hipster. You know the deal.
So I just stay in character, giving as good as I get and before you know it…
I’ve got BOTH their numbers!
Later on they start texting me.
LOL. So who knows man, there was probably threesome potential but fuck it, I was at the game.
Anyway it gets even better…
After the game we hit this bar and long story short, another girl approaches and I start using the exact same shit I was using on “awesome rack”.
Only this time the girl says…
“I want your dick in me right now!”
You couldn’t make this shit up could you?
So she pushes me into the bathroom and gives me a full on blowie! And I gotta tell ya Jason, she knew what the hell she was doing.
Anyway I lose the girl but I DID get her digits. So today I’m texting her up, we’re flirting a little and she says…
“You know, you have a way with words I haven’t seen from a lot of people!”
Haha. All I could think was JASON CAPITAL FUCKING ROCKS!”

Thanks David. I try my best.

Now, don’t think for a second you can watch the videos I’m about to give you and expect David-style success instantly.
You need to watch, absorb and apply on a regular basis.
However, if you do that… if you stake your claim as a true Capital badass… then victory WILL be yours.
And hot bodies WILL approach and fall under your spell. All the time.
These are my most advanced, sex-certain videos and reports. Most of the public have no idea some of these programs exist, and for good reason…
They’re designed to get women CHASING YOU FOR SEX all over town. (And have them love you for it)

This is too advanced for any AFC and women love it too much when you do what I show you in these trainings below…

Private Training #1: Stolen Identity Game
For guys who want to push the limits of what’s possible with women…
Hank Moody… Tony Stark… James Bond… George Clooney… how can you unconsciously integrate the girl-getting parts of their unique personalities?
This video program shows you how—in 10 seconds flat.
Their identities have been designed and honed to make girls fantasize about them. The cool thing is there’s a way for you integrate their identities into your own personality.
The result? You’re chick magnet — and you don’t have to do a damn thing except chill.

Private Training #2: Sex Planting
WARNING: Extremely Powerful Content.
Seven wildly ingenious (in order words, Private) ways to make her fantasize about fucking you when you’re not around.
Use the techniques in this video program on girls you know and especially girls you don’t know, so that the next time they see you, they’re ripping their clothes off, waiting to get their “fucksies” from you.

Private Training #3: Where To Go
“Jason, what do I talk about after I make my attention-grabbing cold read?”
This is a question I get all the time from guys who want to get to the bedroom faster with her.
So in this 17-minute, no BS video training, I’m going to tell you exactly “Where To Go” with the conversation so she keeps getting more attracted and turned on by you.
You will NOT make this more complicated than it needs to be.
In “Where To Go”, I show you the 3 BEST places to take the conversation and exactly what to talk about for each of them.
Each of these 3 pathways are simple, easy-to-follow and will lead to her wanting you like a dehydrated dog to water.

Private Training #4: Get Admired
There’s A SECRET to being admired
When you’re admired, there’s a specific process women go through in their minds, even before their attracted to you. Especially the hot ones.
It’s the stage of WANTING to be attracted to you, of WANTING to get to know you, WANTING to be introduced to you.
This “wanting” process can be triggered, even before you make your opening attraction move. A process that overwhelmingly stacks the cards in your favor.
If you’ve ever struggled, if it’s ever been awkward, if the words seem to get stuck in your throat during the opening of a set, now you know why. And in this ultra-detailed video, you’ll learn EXACTLY what to do about it.

Private Training #5: 3 Keys to Creating a Sex Addict
Get Her Jonesing for Your Cock–How to Make Her Beg for It
There comes a point in the beginning of a sexual relationship, assuming you follow my lead, where you hold all the cards. Where she want wants it sooo bad!
Do give it to her? Do you hold back? Do you tease her? If you do tease her, how do you do it so you don’t come off as some arrogant prick?
In this contrarian video, I reveal 3 keys to installing that sexual addiction in her.

Private Training #6: 50 Amazing Questions That Turn Girls On!
There’s A SECRET to being admired
When you’re admired, there’s a specific process women go through in their minds, even before their attracted to you. Especially the hot ones.
It’s the stage of WANTING to be attracted to you, of WANTING to get to know you, WANTING to be introduced to you.
This “wanting” process can be triggered, even before you make your opening attraction move. A process that overwhelmingly stacks the cards in your favor.
If you’ve ever struggled, if it’s ever been awkward, if the words seem to get stuck in your throat during the opening of a set, now you know why. And in this ultra-detailed video, you’ll learn EXACTLY what to do about it.

Private Training #7: The Threesome Solution
With Jason Capital and Adam Lyons
There comes a point in the beginning of a sexual relationship, assuming you follow my lead, where you hold all the cards. Where she want wants it sooo bad.
Do give it to her? Do you hold back? Do you tease her? If you do tease her, how do you do it so you don’t come off as some arrogant prick?
In this contrarian video, I reveal 3 keys to installing that sexual addiction in her.

Private Training #8: Sexualized Conversations
How To Make Hot Girls Love Talking About Sex With You
When you’re admired, there’s a specific process women go through in their minds, even before their attracted to you. Especially the hot ones.
It’s the stage of WANTING to be attracted to you, of WANTING to get to know you, WANTING to be introduced to you.
This “wanting” process can be triggered, even before you make your opening attraction move. A process that overwhelmingly stacks the cards in your favor.
If you’ve ever struggled, if it’s ever been awkward, if the words seem to get stuck in your throat during the opening of a set, now you know why. And in this ultra-detailed video, you’ll learn EXACTLY what to do about it.

However, I’m just getting started. What follows is my NEVER BEFORE RELEASED Private video set…

Private Training #9: The ‘Undeniable’ Formula
How to turn her on even if you’re not her type… she’s seeing someone else… or even if she’s rejected you before!

Private Training #10: The Dark Side Of Seduction
You may have been to my seminars. You own my courses. You’re a student of seduction.
But I’ve held something back.
I left out this major key to stealth seduction until now. You absolutely must have this piece to understand “The Dark Side” of seducing women. This is only for SERIOUS students of seduction.
If you’re ready in your mind to move to this level – I’ve finally decided to release it.

Private Training #11: “The Fix”
Make a woman fall so deeply in love with you, she becomes addicted to having sex with you. Please keep in mind… once they’re hooked it can take some time to wean them off you!

Private Training #12: Turn a Test Into Sex FAST
How to know when she’s testing you… and how to stealthily flip around her little unconscious games to make her WANT YOU even more…

Private Training #13: The Cockblocker Solution
What to do when you’re hitting it off with a girl and her best friend has other ideas. I’ll show you a ‘past event projection’ technique that will blow you (and the cockblocker) away… and it can even get you a ‘free upgrade’. Can you say THREESOME? 😉

Private Training #14: The “F-Me” Now Formula
This is THE most effective way to generate intense sexual CRAVING in a woman. I’ll share the single piece of dialogue that instantly makes you a MASTER of this sneaky technique.

Private Training #15: The ‘Doable’ Detector
How to instantly know which women are horny and eager for sex right NOW. Use this method in a club, bar or even your local shopping mall to increase your chances of a WIN.

Just make sure that when you get the log-in to your advanced video member’s area… you keep your password out of sight.
You DO NOT want any girl you plan on bedding to see this stuff.
The only ‘catch’ is… this needs to stay strictly limited – obviously I don’t want these videos getting out to just anyone. These are only for a handful of Make Women Want You customers.
In fact… I almost didn’t offer this option at all… and it will definitely NEVER be offered again at any price.

Banter… Wittiness… Mystery… Funny… Cocky… Clever. Playfully challenging her… Push/Pull… If you can’t do these things, if you get stuck, if you don’t know how to do these things, you’ll never know what it feels like to be on full-on control of her, your game and most importantly, yourself.
Most guys suck at banter. To quote The Joker in Batman, “Why so serious?” As you’ve probably discovered, being serious makes girls run away.
You can do better, way better. And in the process, distance yourself from the rest of the pack.
In this classified special report, I share with you the same exact training I put myself to go from sucking and serious to super-successful at the first stage of attraction.

More Information: Please check more value courses here !

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