Hamza Ahmed – The Aesthetic Body Course
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Hamza Ahmed – The Aesthetic Body Course
How To Get Girls Without Being Weird & Creepy
I remember my high school friend asking me “Hamza… Don’t you want a girlfriend?”
He had started dating, along with a bunch of my friends, and I was the slow boomer. They hit puberty before me and started getting girls whilst I was still focused on playing video games and thinking girls were some weird creature I didn’t know how to talk to.
Fast forward some years and I’m horny as hell trying to attract girls on Tinder and Instagram.
And it was difficult.
I would be getting 1, and sometimes 0 matches on Tinder per day. When I did get a match, the excitement stopped after I had already been ghosted so many times.
Why was it so hard to stand out? My pictures were pretty good, I was sure of it.
And I was a catch right? I was nice, I would take an interest in them and ask them about their hobbies…
But still nothing. I would go weeks and months without a single girl attracted to me.
And when there was a girl who seemed somewhat interested in me, by replying to my messages and sometimes even coming on a date with me, she would just lose interest and ask if we could be friends instead!
I searched online for advice on how to get girls and none of it helped me.
All the advice online was already the stuff I was doing – Be nice, take an interest, speak about your hobbies, ask her questions…
Something was missing.
And worst of all, my friends who were naturally good with girls would make fun of me for struggling and researching this.
But it didn’t seem odd to me – Attracting a girl, experiencing love and a relationship felt so important to me so of course I was gonna put extra intention to learn how to attract girls.
That was when my brother forced me to get into the gym…
I remember going for my first few sessions and it was so painful that I didn’t want to go back again.
I would rather just play Runescape and watch youtube videos…
Then I started watching guys who had 10/10 aesthetic body’s on YouTube, and they were always getting girls!
I saw guys who looked like me build muscle and become so confident and it clicked instantly for me:
Build a 10/10 body and you’ll be attracting a lot more girls than you are now!
I spent every single day watching videos on fitness, and I got more and more into lifting weights and building my dream body.
I researched online on how to build an aesthetic body that attracts girls and guess what?
Everyone called me shallow! All the guys online were only interested in weightlifting to build more strength… so that they could lift more weight.
Weightlifting is fun but honestly bro, I just wanted girls to like me.
People called it shallow but I thought attracting love and a relationship into my life was anything but shallow.
I devised a framework for creating the attractive 10/10 body that I wanted.
It was all about prioritising the 6 aesthetic muscles:
Neck, Upper Traps, Lateral Delts, Upper Chest, Lats, Abs
AND THEN making sure that you optimised your training to actually build muscle instead of just strength, which most workout routines focused on instead.
And finally I finished the framework with the most important aspect of building muscle: Prioritising ‘bulking’ for the first 2 years of your training.
I Got What I Wanted…
Building a body I was proud of made me so much more confident and I started taking some pictures that actually got me matches on Tinder!
Out of nowhere I started getting more girls into me, and guys actually began to respect me.
I remember hearing that a popular girl had been talking about my body in her class in college, and I felt so fucking good hearing that.
In my degenerate university party days, it wasn’t uncommon for me to be sleeping with 3-4 girls in a week. (I don’t do that now but I think that phase in my life was VERY important to get me to the point I’m at now)
I got to experience sides of women that most men will never know, and I think my physique was the gateway to this.
But best of all – I just feel so damn good about myself. I look at my physique everyday and see what I’ve built through years of discipline.
I think it’s so important for a man to feel good in his own skin. Getting girls is awesome, but when you actually LIKE yourself, and think you’re GOOD ENOUGH, that’s when you really become happy.
The 4 Secrets To Attract Girls:
Secret #1: How to Become Better With Girls By Going to The Gym
Secret #2: How to Become Great at Lifting Weights and Speed up Your Muscle Building
Secret #3: How to Outcompete Another Guy to Attract The Girl You Want
Secret #4: How to Build The Kind of Body That ACTUALLY Attracts Girls
Secret #1: How To Become Better With Girls By Going to The Gym
It was the exact moment that I took some new shirtless pictures and uploaded them onto Tinder and Instagram that I knew this stuff worked.
I went from barely getting 1 match a day on Tinder (and pretty much no girls replying to my DM’s on Instagram) to over 5 matches per day!
It was so hype having more women to talk to, to practice flirting with, and to even meet out on dates.
And I noticed something awesome:
As I kept getting more and more aesthetic, not only did I get more options from Tinder and Instagram, I also just got better with the girls I was meeting too.
I went from not knowing what to say on awkward dates, to hooking up with girls I had just met, sometimes in public lol
Maybe it was because I was more confident and disciplined and actually liked myself now, or maybe it was simply that I was getting more and more practice, but either way, I was improving so much with women that I went from being awkward and shy around them to actually acting like a Chad / alpha male.
Think about it, wouldn’t you be more confident and automatically better with girls if you transformed how you looked to this?
And here’s a fact I know you’ll agree with:
Most of dating is online now, isn’t it?
Sure you can still meet women in person, no one is doubting that…
But most people are used to just hooking up with people they match with on Tinder or Instagram
And even if you don’t meet online, women will usually vet you on your Instagram profile anyway
And isn’t it obvious? Online you’re judged ENTIRELY on your pictures.
That means that most of dating is literally just based on how sexy you appear in your pictures.
No wonder most guys struggle – They don’t look good on pics!
The single greatest thing you can do to look better in pictures is build an aesthetic physique…
Imagine how easy it would be to date girls when you have pictures like this
The Aesthetic Body Framework will have you building your physique, then all you gotta do is show it off and you’ll instantly get more options with women.
Secret #2: How to Become Great at Lifting Weights and Speed up Your Muscle Building
When I first started going to the gym, I wasn’t good at it… at all.
Imagine a skinny fat brown kid who lived a comfortable life of playing video games and eating junk food, suddenly in the middle of the gym…
Do you think I pushed past the discomfort and burn to totally destroy the muscle?
Of course not.
I would grab the weight, do a couple of reps until it would start to hurt and then I’d just put the weight down and just go on my phone for a couple of minutes LOL
I was so bad at lifting weights, just because I didn’t understand that you’re supposed to push past the pain, not run from it.
That’s why when I devised The Aesthetic Body Framework I included a section to make sure it led to you training hard enough to make gains.
But Hamza I don’t have enough time to go to the gym
I get it.
Sometimes something else is your priority, like work or studies.
But imagine this: Imagine you build all the success and wealth you want… But you’re still skinny fat and awkward around girls.
Even if you’re making $250,000 per year, but you look and act like you’re weak or fat, you’re not gonna get that much respect from men and attraction from girls.
No matter how much money you make, you gotta look like the man for it to really count in attracting girls.
But that being said, sometimes it’s ok for something else to take priority in your life over building your physique and you don’t have time to go to the gym for hours everyday.
That’s why the workouts in The Aesthetic Body Framework only take an hour, AND you’ll still make great progress if you only go to the gym for a couple days a week.
Secret 3: How to outcompete another guy to attract the girl you want
I remember telling my friends about this discovery
“Guys we should all get in the gym and start training to build our 10/10 body so that we can get more girls”
And they didn’t take it seriously. In fact they found it kind of cringe that I was going to the gym.
I remember one friend saying “I would do, but it’s gonna take too long”
That excuse blew my mind…
It’s gonna take too long?
Bro the time is gonna pass by anyway. Either you set your future self up to have an aesthetic physique or you set him up to still be struggling with girls.
No offence to him but that same friend asked me for advice YEARS LATER because he was still struggling with girls, meanwhile I had an abundance.
He looked roughly the same, like a normal-ish skinny fat body. Whereas I dedicated myself for the past years and literally looked like a different species of human next to him.
We started at the same point. He made an excuse and didn’t make progress. I did.
You might be interested in this, but wonder how you can compete against the guys who already look muscular and are good with girls.
The truth is, you can’t, not right now.
But that isn’t going to change unless you change yourself.
A lot of guys just accept defeat instead of thinking that they can win if they put in the work long term.
And time is gonna pass by anyway.
How do you outcompete other guys to get the girl you want?
Be better than they are, overtime.
Keep working on yourself, whilst most men are deteriorating, you’re improving.
A few years from now you’ll have the 10/10 aesthetic body that will change it all for you. The time is passing by anyway.
Secret #4: How to build the kind of body that ACTUALLY Attracts Girls
Remember earlier I told you about the framework I developed that helped me attract girls? I’m gonna walk you through it now. I call it The Aesthetic Body Framework
I researched a lot and it was so clear to me that building a 10/10 body would be the major factor in attracting girls.
But how to actually build an aesthetic body that attracted girls? Because at the time I was searching this, so many guys were saying that they had been to the gym for years but still never found more girls attracted to them.
Why were some guys building muscle, looking good, and getting girls, whilst other guys were building muscle that DIDN’T look good, and didn’t increase their success in dating?
I started breaking down the workout routines and habits of the guys who actually got girls through their muscular physiques and it was so different to most of the fitness advice out there!
Most of the advice that was given to beginners who wanted to look good was the same: Strength programs that focused on heavy compound lifts. Workout routines like 5×5 Stronglifts / Starting Strength were constantly recommended, but these were not the workout routines that would build an aesthetic physique.
I started to create my own workout routines that were NOT focusing on strength, rather focusing on the 6 muscles that seemed to most increase a mans attractiveness.
The Aesthetic Body Framework prioritises the 6 aesthetic muscles:
1. Neck
2. Upper Traps
3. Lateral Delts
4. Upper Chest
5. Lats
6. Abs
You focus on these muscles in your training AND you make sure you optimise your muscle gain by bulking and recovering right with enough sleep AND skyrocketing your testosterone, and you’ll be well on your way to building an aesthetic physique that attracts girls!
Let Me Ask You A Question…
If you followed what I showed you in Secret #1 and became better with girls because you went to the gym, then you did what I showed you in Secret #2 and speeded up your muscle building, then you used Secret #3 to outcompete other guys and finally you used Secret #4 to build the aesthetic body that ACTUALLY attracts girls, do you think you could be successful?
I’ve spent the last year giving you free value on YouTube, is it ok if I spend 5 minutes going over a very special offer I created to help you build your aesthetic body?
Who This Is For
This is for men who want to start building their dream body to attract girls, or for guys who are already working out and want to switch over their training to a style that builds an aesthetic body.
You’ll Be Able To:
1. Start making progress to your 10/10 dream body straight away
2. Build a physique that actually attracts girls
3. Get more matches on Tinder
4. Get more replies on Instagram
5. Feel more confident in your self, in and out of clothes!
6. Look great on nights out
You’ll Be Able To Get Rid Of:
1. Spending hours watching questionable fitness YouTubers who are leading you astray
2. Ditch the shitty workout routines that haven’t worked for you
3. Get rid of all the mental effort – Just follow this plan
4. Months of not knowing what to do to build your body
What I Went Through to Develop This
I must have watched over 500 hours of fitness YouTube content to gather together all of the knowledge needed to build an aesthetic body.
SO MUCH of the advice out there was NOT catered to this goal, instead so many fitness enthusiasts were trying to lead young men astray by getting them to do shitty strength based workouts.
I had to piece this all together myself, putting together routine after routine, constantly optimising my program over years.
I missed out on literally 2 years of progress because I followed the wrong advice.
I don’t want you to go through that.
I’ve already got a proven framework. And I’m just gonna give it to you with this package.
You’re going to save SO MUCH time and reach your dream body literally YEARS faster.
No trial and error. Just start making real progress to attracting more girls by building your aesthetic body.
More Information: Please check more value courses here !
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