August Forex Golem V3



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August Forex Golem V3

August Forex Golem is an Auto Trading Robot that works on different currency pairs. It is the first Forex Robot that uses FIBONACCI RETRACEMENT in combination with very robust indicators. It is the first robot that optimizes itself in real time, so you get more accurate & profitable trades.

If you do currency trading in FOREX, then great! Keep on reading.

If you do manual trading then you should read some following advantages of automated trading:

    • Speed! A human could never beat the speed of a robot. Small delay in buying/selling may miss some good opportunities or it may results a good loss too.
    • A robot can’t experience fear or greed. Fear & greed are very common problems with manual trading
    • As you know forex works 24 hours a day & 5 days in a week. So robot is best, because it never gets tired & never sleeps.
    • A robot can monitor multiple currencies in same time, while it is very hard for human being to monitor & take decision on various currency pairs in all time.

But if you are doing automated trading without lifting a finger, then definitely you are familiar with Expert Advisor (EA)

Before I tell anything about August Forex Golem, please take a look at following:

Looking impressive!!!

Now read some following lineaments of August Forex Golem:

    • Real time optimization: August Forex Golem optimizes itself in real time. August Forex Golem does signal based buy & sell. It used various indicators to take decisions. It is well known that trend of any currency pair can’t be same in all days; it rapidly changes in trend. So any indicator set for some parameters may not be working well in coming days. Now this is the main attribute of August Forex Golem, it doesn’t uses any fasten parameters to its indicators. It continuously checks for best values for indicators and thus it does the good & accurate buy/sell trading.
    • August Forex Golem can be used on: EURGBP, EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCHF, AUDUSD, USDCAD, EURCHF, GBPCHF, EURCAD, EURAUD, USDSGD, NZDUSD, EURNZD, AUDNZD, AUDCAD, AUDCHF, CADCHF etc. August Forex Golem can be used either on any one of currency pair or more than one at once. We have seen better results when August Forex Golem is used on EURUSD with 1-minute frame.
  • You can use August Forex Golem with any amount. You can choose any account type i.e. micro, mini or standard as per your need.

Get August Forex Golem V3 download right now!

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