Amis Shah – Tribe 500
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Amis Shah – Tribe 500
Today’s new tribal economy needs a new type of entrepreneur. So if you’re ready to take charge of your market… make a massive impact… and spark a serious financial and career breakthrough…
Join Inc. 500 Entrepreneur Amish Shah & A Community Of Passionate Entrepreneurs In The Tribe500 Rapid Growth Incubator Program… Discover How The World’s Most Successful Tribal Entrepreneurs Analyze, Build, Assemble, Serve & Expand Their Customer Communities… And Finally Create A Business That’s So Magnetic, Your Fans Will Fund & Grow It For You…
Tribe500 – Amish Shah’s Invite
from Deep Origins
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Hey Aspiring Tribal Entrepreneur,
Did you know there’s a surprisingly easy way to attract tens of thousands of hungry prospects from Facebook – without paying a single cent?
Or that by sending your prospects a certain strategic sequence of emails and content, they’ll consistently beg to buy your product – even before you’ve announced anything for sale?
Or that you can use a specific strategy to get your prospects to happily create your products for you… just before you trigger a buying frenzy?
That’s just a tiny example of how a new breed of online entrepreneurs and marketers are going beyond the old school list building and monetization tactics of the past…
And using the timeless power of tribal entrepreneurship to create unusually profitable and loyal customer bases – with minimal upkeep and maximum scalability.
The Problem? If You’re Like Most Entrepreneurs & Marketers, You’re Still Struggling With Challenges Like…
· The seemingly impossible task of attracting a large volume of affordable and high quality leads to join your tribe…
· The challenge of monetizing your tribe and creating consistently high-converting marketing funnels (without tiring out your customers)…
· The feeling that you’re missing something… because of how tough it is to grasp the FULL scope of skills, technologies and tools for leading an effective tribe.
· The financial, personal, professional and social hurdles you face in making your tribe your primary focus – instead of juggling it with a career or passionless business venture that leaves you bored, uninspired, and possibly even broke…
· The difficulty in scaling your tribe and expanding your reach, while still maintaining the personal touch and influence necessary to keep your tribe loyal to you…
· And the crippling fear and self-doubt that too often leaves you asking questions like “will they even listen to me?”.
I’m way too familiar with all the above scenarios… having spent well over a decade building tribes in a variety of fields. From online marketing and mobile apps, to personal growth, spirituality and ancient history.
(Not to mention making the rookie mistake of building LISTS instead of TRIBES, and losing money in the long run as a result.)
Which is why I can so confidently tell you that…
Today There Is A Unique Opportunity For Entrepreneurs Like You To Rise Above Your Obstacles… And Lead Your Own Tribe For Maximum Profit, Fun & Impact.
You’ve surely noticed that the world is shifting. The ‘old ways’ of working, connecting and living are rapidly evolving. Technology is bringing us together like never before. More and more people are rejecting traditional roles of authority.
And because of this… tribes of driven people are forming all around us to redefine work, play, and every meaningful aspect of life.
So if you’re an entrepreneur, marketer or a professional of any kind in search of:
· A new source of income…
· A boost to your career or business…
· A platform to spread your message…
· Meaningful connections with like-minded people…
· Or even just a lifestyle aligned with your passions…
Then NOW is the time to tap into the zeitgeist of the day. Rally your tribe. And harness it to elevate your bank account, career and life.
On This Page You’ll Find The A – Z Process Of Building, Monetizing & Scaling Your Tribe Of Customers.
If you’re a Planet of the Apes fan… you’ll remember how the boss ape Caesar rallies his kind to push back against society… and even to create a new one.
Have you ever wondered how one person (or ape) can command that kind of power and loyalty?
The truth is, it’s human nature to rally together in tribes. It’s a universal survival mechanism that anyone with the right knowledge can tap into for profit, adventure and impact.
As an entrepreneur, the key to building your tribe lies in understanding the specific steps for building, leading and monetizing a passionate community around your cause – whether it’s a product, service, personal brand or even your clients.
What are those steps?
Well through my own experiences and by keenly observing the world’s greatest tribal leaders… I’ve been able to piece together an astonishingly consistent “tribe building formula” that literally anyone can apply to rally their own tribe. Nurture it. And monetize it for maximum profit, impact, and the kind of lifestyle only a person totally in love with their work and their peers can enjoy.
For the first time ever, I’m laying out my personal tribe building process in this document. And towards the end, you’ll even be invited to join a group of passionate tribal entrepreneurs on the exact same mission as you.
The timing is perfect. The tools and platforms are at your disposal. Millions of potential customers and fans are waiting to hear your voice.
And even though we haven’t met, I know YOU can do this – because anyone can.
How? Well before we begin your tribe building adventure, I need to tell you about mine. Consider it both an inspirational story… and a cautionary tale of what not to do
Maseratis, Mayhem & Million-Dollar Marketing:
The Story Of My Tribal Leadership Journey
Check out this recent Facebook post:
The excitement I got from that post… is the reason you’re reading this document.
See, over the past few years people have known me as that affiliate guy. That Inc. 500 entrepreneur guy. That mobile app guy. And most recently, that ancient knowledge/personal growth/reality bending guy.
In this time, one of the most consistent questions I’ve gotten from my followers is…
“You keep building all these different tribes in all these different niches,
but I can’t even nail one. What’s your secret?”
The Secret Starts With A Truth: You’ll Never Be Happy Until You Answer Your Calling.
My first encounter with tribal leadership happened in my early twenties, when I started building mailing lists as an affiliate marketer. Under a pen name, I’d market the most random things – from software to eBay auctions to movies – to a list that was growing by 3,000 people a day.
Affiliate marketing was a wild ride. It earned me my first million at 25 (can’t believe that was almost 10 years ago!)…
But as much as I was serving my tribe… I was also disconnected from them.
Because there I was, sending daily emails to these people, and persuading them to buy things… yet they didn’t even know who I was! In fact, I wasn’t even creating any real VALUE in their lives.
And So Despite The Good Money I was Making… I Knew I Had To Find Something That Fulfilled Me On A Higher Level.
I wonder if you’ve felt that same itch? And if apart from making money, maybe that urge to create mass scale IMPACT and VALUE is one of the reasons you’re exploring this subject with me?
In 2009, I made my move by creating a tracking software for the niche I knew best at the time: affiliate marketing. I called it Hexatrack – and began promoting it on forums and at internet marketing conferences.
After a string of successful promotions and rave reviews, my reputation grew. I began earning between $2 – $5 million a year. The internet marketing big boys started noticing me. Speaking gig invites flooded in. People were even following me on everyone’s favorite social media giant of the time – Twitter!
This was my first REAL tribe: I was connecting with each of these people, and making a powerful difference in their lives.
And I gotta say…
Leading My Tribe Felt GREAT. The Money Was Fantastic. I Loved How I Was Helping Tens Of Thousands Of People.
And Everything Was Perfect, Or So I Thought…
Things began to unravel not long after I made the most lucrative career decisions of my life: which was to repackage my Hexatrack software as the Magic Bullet Seminar: an event for internet marketers that revealed my tracking methods in detail.
My debut seminar attracted some of the industry’s top leaders – including John Reese, Jason Moffat, Ryan Kaltman, John Jonas and Kelly Felix. Rave reviews followed… leading to an eventual partnership with Frank Kern as we planned to launch the Magic Bullet System – a home training version of the Magic Bullet Seminar.
We spent weeks roping in Frank’s JV tribe for this launch. And I was crazy nervous.
Would this be my breakthrough moment… or would I be exposed as a faker unworthy of their time?
I got my answer on launch day, right after we opened the cart…
Because Over The Next 90 Minutes, We Were Staring In Disbelief At Our Online Marketing & Sales Platform… As Sales Shot Up To $3.5 Million!
You know you’ve done something right when you’re earning more in 90 minutes than most rappers and professional athletes
In the following months, the Magic Bullet System – and all its subsequent relaunches – earned me over $8 million, a global tribe of over 70,000 followers, and a spot in Alexa’s top 100 websites worldwide.
BTW, the only reason I’m waving around all these numbers is so you can see the potential of what happens when you market the right product to the right tribe… and this is far from the maximum, there are tribe leaders out there doing 10, even 100 times better!
I have to admit though… at this point I was winging it. I mean sure, my tribe was digging my stuff.
But… something was still missing:
I Had No Long-Term Mission… No Systems In Place… And Despite All That Had Happened, Deep Down Inside I Still Felt Unsatisfied.
The cracks soon started to show. Customer support was overwhelmed. The software itself was buggy. And I realized we weren’t serving our customers as well as we should.
As for my own internal issues, I became increasingly bored with the world of internet marketing for the sake of internet marketing. So I tried filling in the gaps with things. And sure, Ferraris, Maseratis, sprawling mansions and champagne parties are fun…
But they don’t solve your problems. Especially not when your problems escalate into serious health issues. Conflict between business partners. And lawsuits from large enterprise companies and unhappy customers.
Things got so bad, we couldn’t even pay some of our affiliates – which left a few of them badmouthing us to the entire industry (Yep, your tribe can turn on you if you don’t treat it right.)
My company looked and felt as bad as I did. My wealth, career and personal issues were spiralling out of control. And before I crashed, I knew I had to do something:
I Didn’t Just Need A Tribe I Could Monetize And Serve With Passion… I Needed A SYSTEM That Would Keep Both My Tribe And I In Optimal Condition.
Passion, wealth, health and stability. A clean slate was essential if I was to have all these things. So after making amends with my customers and selling off my ventures, I moved into a field I had been experimenting with years prior:
Mobile Apps.
Around this same time, I started opening my eyes and observing.
I studied what the world’s greatest tribal leaders were doing – from leaders of international organizations, to grassroots community movements, to wildly popular niche online mailing lists.
I dissected how icons like Tim Ferriss communicated with their followers. The marketing strategies a luminary like Deepak Chopra would use to promote his meditation programs. Even the technology small community mavens like Marie Forleo used to deliver videos, courses and other multimedia content to her tribe.
I even studied these leaders’ daily wellness, fitness and peak performance rituals – from what they ate to how they exercised to how they studied and grew themselves.
And I cross-referenced all this with my own 14 years of tribe building experience.
That’s when I started to find recurring patterns in the way these leaders were managing their tribes and their lives.
Steps that could be broken down into a replicable formula – which I’ll show you very shortly.
Steps that reveal how leading a tribe isn’t necessarily as much about talent, or natural charisma… as it is about simply laying the right foundations and tracing a number of proven steps.
(The funny thing is, a lot of these leaders probably didn’t even realize they were following a pattern. It just came naturally to them, like how with enough practice, a gymnast can perform a somersault without even thinking about it.)
I Applied Everything I Learned In This Time To Create A Thriving Mobile App Tribe…
That Rewarded Me Like Never Before.
The mobile app venture went well. So well in fact, that within a year I was offered a seven-figure sum for it.
The offer was solid – but it wasn’t the money that persuaded me to sell. It was the fact that there was another kind of tribe I had always wanted to create.
So I sold the mobile app company for $1.2 million… and proceeded to set up Deep Origins: a company that curates communities in the fields of ancient wisdom, human potential and transformational business – all subjects I am personally passionate about.
Deep Origins Has Scaled Faster Than Any Venture I’ve Done In The Past.
In barely a year, my ancient wisdom community blew up to over 160,000 members (with a reach of 700,000 more). My “reality hacking” community grew to over 50,000 members. And today, collectively, we have well over 200,000 active tribe members across the world, plus a revenue of over $700,000 in our first year alone.
(Which may be less than my internet marketing days… but bear in mind I started this from scratch, in a whole new niche. Plus I’m playing the long game this time!)
I’m finally in a good place, earning and operating in a space I truly love. I’m surrounded by supportive tribe members. The systems and strategies I’ve learned keep everything running smoothly and profitably, most of the time
And although there are still challenges… I now wake up every morning knowing everything I do is for a group of people who love me as much as I love them.
As you can see, learning how to find and serve my tribe has set me free – as it will for you. ESPECIALLY in this day and age, because…
3 Reasons Tribes Are Taking Over The Planet
(And Why That’s A Good Thing)
There’s a reason you’re reading this page right now: it’s because mega corporations are so 1986. There’s a new superpower that’s confidently taking over every area of life, from the economy and commerce to health, lifestyle and daily necessities.
And unlike the superpowers of the past, this one really is for the people… because it is the people!
Why tribes though? And why now?
REASON 1:The Unstoppable Democratization Of Technology
Remember when a smartphone was just a dumbphone that took notes? Or when social networking was something only bored teenagers did? Yeah, me neither. Billions of people are now connected through increasingly affordable space-age hardware and software that allows anyone to mobilize communities… pursue common goals or interests… even produce, share and consume professional grade recordings, live streams, and videos that just a few years ago would have been impossible to make.
And game-changing phenomenons like crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, and community-driven digital businesses like Etsy and Airbnb make it even clearer that we’re only just scratching the surface of how this technology is transforming the way humans connect and collaborate.
REASON 2:The Rejection Of Unworthy Authority
The above-mentioned technological revolution is likely a big factor for the social revolution that’s also sweeping across the planet: we’re not taking anybody’s crap anymore, especially not greedy CEOs and corrupt politicians! From Occupy Wall Street to the March Against Monsanto to Ferguson… more and more people have begun taking an active stance against the institutions, governments, corporations and public policies that no longer serve them.
Of course being human, we still need to find or create alternate sources of authority to lead us – which is why we’re now seeing more and more tribes of like-minded people, led by driven individuals or grassroots groups, stepping in to fill the growing political and economic power vacuum.
Disillusioned by the old authorities, and unable to know everything themselves, people turn to their friends to tell them what, and who, to trust.—A 2004 PREDICTION BY FAITH POPCORNBESTSELLING AUTHOR & FUTURIST
REASON 3:People Are Waking Up!
Urban farming. Living off the grid. Energy efficient homes. Socially or environmentally conscious businesses like Tom’s Shoes and Tesla Motors. Is it just me… or has something been going on with human consciousness lately? Look at current global trends, and it’s clear that hundreds of millions of people are now stepping out of their old materialistic lifestyles… and into a more WE-centric approach that prioritizes community and global responsibility.
People are starting to love more. Care more. And take more proactive responsibility for the food they eat, the items they consume, the organizations they support, and the communities they live in. It’s no surprise then that people are banding together to amplify their impact… and nurture the kind of communities they want to live in.
Lists vs Tribes
What’s The Big Difference?
If you follow any traditional internet marketers, you’ll have been hearing the same advice for over a decade:
“Your money is in your mailing list… and all you have to do is build that list and find products to sell to them.”
The problem with this outdated advice is that compared to a TRIBE, a list is not sustainable. It’s way harder to scale. And in the long run, it makes you a lot less money. Here’s why:
You Can Now Surely See… That The Time To Step Up And Lead Your Epic Tribe Is NOW!
All the above factors have come together to create what I call the New Tribal Economy: a landmark socio-economic state in human history, where for the first time ever, anybody now has the tools and assets to lead a passionate tribe… quit their day job and earn a prosperous living from that tribe… and surround themselves with the community, experiences and things that make up their dream lifestyle.
“But how exactly do I find this tribe?” … is a valid question I often get this point. So now let me show you…
“8 Simple Questions That Will Reveal Your Tribe And Their Deepest Desires”
1. Who would be most excited/grateful/relieved by your product or service?
2. What’s the biggest source of pain and frustration in their lives?
3. What’s the biggest source of joy in their lives?
4. Who is their biggest enemy? (This could be a person, institution or idea)
5. Who are their role models?
6. What are the top 3 personal values that define them? (e.g. honesty, freedom, etc.)
7. What would an ideal future look like to them, 20 years from now?
8. What brands, films and music do they resonate with?
But As Much As The New Tribal Economy Presents Opportunity For Some…
It Will Also Spell Out Danger For Others!
The phenomenon of people coming together and expecting more from the entities that serve them will be bad news for…
· Soulless corporations who don’t connect with their customers on an authentic level…
· Entrepreneurs or marketers who hide behind faceless brands and detached services…
· Charities and philanthropists who focus more on donation drives and less on public engagement…
· And even politicians and public figures who campaign from an ivory tower instead of going down to the trenches.
But don’t worry just yet. Because remember the old hurdles? The ones that might have stopped you from nailing something like this in the past? Like not having the money… the time… the know-how… the charisma… or the connections to get off your butt and LEAD?
Well thanks to technology, societal trends, and the formula I’m about to show you… none of those challenges can hold you down a second longer!
The Formula You’re About To Discover Will Put You On The Same Path As Tribal Entrepreneurs Like…
Tim Ferriss and his tribe of 300,000+ lifestyle designers who are ‘hacking’ the human experience…
Deepak Chopra and his millions of meditation and enlightened living students…
Oprah Winfrey and her 5.7 million female viewers (that’s 4 percent of America’s entire female population!)…
Marie Forleo and her tribe of 250,000 business and life-lovin’ female entrepreneurs…
Vishen Lakhiani and his over 1 million tribe of personal growth fans…
Biohackers Caleb & Sheleana Jennings and their Young & Raw community of over 350,000 healthy living ambassadors…
And of course, yours truly – with my tribe of 200,000 entrepreneurship, ancient wisdom and reality bending enthusiasts
Every single one of these people started from scratch…
And Built Their Tribes Using A Predictable & Transferable Process, Similar To The One You’re About To Discover…
The Formula: 5 Time-Tested Ingredients Every Great Tribal Leader Uses To Nurture Profitable, Passionate & Scalable Communities14 years. That’s how long I’ve spent on a roller coaster ride of personal wins and losses… uncovering recurring patterns… and observing the practices of the world’s greatest tribal entrepreneurs and leaders as they generated massive impact and prosperity through their followers.
The result of that journey is a simple yet incredibly reliable formula that literally anyone can use to become an effective and abundant tribal leader.
I call it the ABASE formula – and its 5 steps are based on the exact same field-tested approach I’ve used over the years to build numerous multi-million dollar businesses and even make the Inc. 500 list.
Because successful businesses and tribes, as you’re about to see, have a lot in common…
Want A Thriving Tribe? Then You’ll Need A BASE First
STEP 1: ANALYZE your tribe
Proposing to someone you just met is kinda reckless. And so is rallying your tribe without deeply understanding them first. That’s why I invest months into researching my audience before making my first move. Which includes:
· Analyzing the niche you want to operate in.
· Understanding your target audience’s demographics and psychographics.
· Sizing up the competition.
· Surveying your audience, and running paid media tests to understand what they want and need.
· Finding gaps in the market; needs or wants that are not yet being addressed by your competition.
Over the years I’ve compiled a variety of tools, software and research techniques that allow me to gather all of the above data quickly and accurately (more on that later).
First, here’s a real-life case study to help you understand the power of effective analysis:
Case Study
How Analyzing The Market Helped Me Lead A Tribe Of Entrepreneurs That Would Have Previously Hated Me.
Back in the early 2000’s, affiliate marketers and internet marketers weren’t exactly best friends. Internet marketers painted out the affiliate guys as these hucksters slinging anything for a quick buck. While the affiliate guys disliked what they saw as the internet marketers’ holier-than-thou “I’m a guru, buy my stuff” mentality.
This was a challenge to me, because I already had my affiliate marketing tribe – but for reasons mentioned earlier, I also wanted to expand in a big way into internet marketing.
My first step to crossing these feuding worlds was research. I signed up on the most active internet marketing forums. I made friends. I studied sales letters, funnels, events and promotions aimed at internet marketers.
After a few weeks of seeing what the internet marketers were talking, complaining and debating about, I realized something: they had far less access to the kind of advanced tracking tools that affiliate marketers used every day.
Tools for analyzing traffic, conversions, sales… exactly the kind of stuff they needed to optimize their businesses – but didn’t even knew existed. This was the gap!
Armed with this discovery, I took the Hexatrack tracking software I had developed for affiliate marketers – and adapted it into what would eventually become the Magic Bullet System: a service that rewarded me with over 70,000 tribe members and over $8 million in revenue.
Equally as important of course, is what happened in between the discovery and the big win. And that’s where we move on to…
STEP 2: BUILD your tribal HQ
“If you build it, they will come…”
… is not the whole story when it comes to laying the foundations of your tribe. First, there are multiple pillars you must set up to align with your people and principles, like:
· Your communication channels (website, social media presence, etc.)
· Your initial offerings (training material, freebies, consultations, etc.)
· Your marketing machine (email funnels, sales pages, webinars, etc.)
· Your tribal culture (secret language, values, legends, etc.)
Getting these pillars right means gaining a holistic understanding of the skills needed to build them: including marketing, copywriting,design, programming and technology/platforms like LeadPages, WordPress, Quantcast, etc.
(Don’t worry, you don’t need to be a MASTER of these things – you just need to know enough to get started, or to guide an affordable freelancer to do some of this stuff for you.)
Focusing on these foundations has rewarded me with enthusiastic, profitable and scalable communities brimming with adoring brand advocates who see their tribes as an integral part of their identity.
· In my transition from affiliate marketing to internet marketing, I built a custom tracking software based on a gap I had found in the latter. Every product feature and marketing angle I created for that software was made with the sole purpose of filling that gap, which is probably why even some of the world’s top internet marketers started swearing by it.
· As a mobile app tribe leader, I developed an app building software that directly catered to the needs of beginner and intermediate app developers – which continued to evolve as I gathered their feedback.
· At Deep Origins, my focus is on building compelling content and funnels for my tribe members. This includes blog posts, landing pages, sales pages and email sequences that both engage and monetize the people who have CHOSEN to follow me through a permission-based funnel. This is what you call inbound marketing – and as markets get more sophisticated, it’s going to prove itself as the future of selling.
Next comes the fun part…
STEP 3: ASSEMBLE your tribe
Once you’ve built your castle, it’s time to open the gates for your loyal subjects. Doing this successfully will require strategies like:
· Driving online traffic through paid or organic channels
· Social media marketing
· Infiltrating existing tribes (forums, meet-ups, etc.)
· Piggybacking on existing platforms (guest blog posts, guest speaker gigs, sponsorship, etc.)
· Traditional public relations or advertising
How I Assembled My Top 4 Most Thriving Tribes:
The Ancient Explorers Tribe (160,000+ members):
Facebook Ads, Viral Videos & Blog Posts, A Feature-Length Documentary, ZERO Affiliates!
The Magic Bullet System Tribe (80,000+ members):
Affiliates, Google Adwords, Yahoo Advertising
The Project:Yourself Tribe (70,000+ members):
Facebook Ads, Viral Blog Posts, Affiliates
The App Code Tribe (25,000+ members):
Affiliates, Google Adwords, Facebook Ads
STEP 4: SERVE your tribe
Whether you’re leading a tribe primarily for the mission, the money, the lifestyle, or a bit of everything, serving your people is arguably the most fulfilling part of the ABASE formula.
Because what could be better than engaging with people who love you just for being you… and can’t wait to reward you for it?
As you serve as tribal leader, you’ll likely find yourself playing 7 unique roles, sometimes all at once:
· The Leader who guides the tribe.
· The Team Player who engages and collaborates.
· The Guide who helps new members.
· The Creator who develops content.
· The Bloodhound who curates content.
· The Event Manager who organizes events.
· The Advocate who spreads the word.
Don’t worry – juggling these 7 roles is far easier than it sounds. Because when you’ve followed all the steps up to this point, you’ll have a BUILT-IN understanding of your tribe, your subject matter and the technology that powers your business.
In other words… you just have to be yourself!
And when you play all these roles effectively, you’re spurring your tribe into funding you, supporting you, and helping you expand in a way that makes them feel they’re not just helping you, but themselves.
And that’s really the greatest power of tribes. Because instead of being just a platform for consumerism, they tap into our deeper sense of identity, and our inherent desire to connect with people who share our ideals and interests. Which we respond to with our support, both moral and financial.
So how do you maximize that power? Well let me show you…
The No. 1 Most Effective Step I’ve Taken To Serve My Tribes
Through observation, surveys and a whole lot of trial and error, I’ve found that the best way to serve your tribe is not to just give them free content – but to give them a platform to connect, and even generate their OWN content.
My entire Deep Origins tribe is built around this principle of co-creation. At the heart of the tribe is a robust online community platform where tribe members can consume official content, participate in forum discussions, form sub groups and even accumulate our unique tribal currency for future rewards.
All other communication channels – from our Facebook fanpage to the weekly newsletter to email blasts – lead back to this community platform. Which amplifies my leverage to serve my tribe on multiple levels.
3 Elements Of Profitable Tribal Communication
Insert the following characteristics into your tribal marketing and communication, and you’ll find yourself enjoying not only deeper loyalty and engagement – but also deeper pockets:
· Interactivity: don’t just talk to your tribe – let them talk to you through emails, forums, social media, etc. Asking people for their opinions, experiences and advice makes them feel appreciated.
· Co-creation: use surveys, polls and interviews, and even commission your tribe members to create content for you – so they feel a sense of ownership over the products you’ll be selling to them.
· Candor: hyperbole and high-pressure sales tactics may work in the short term. But in the long run you’ll always win by giving your tribe honest and accurate reasons to buy your products.
STEP 5: EXPAND your tribe
If hitting bigger goals, changing more lives and playing a bigger game sound like your idea of a good time, then expanding your tribe is a must – as is ensuring your tribe’s unique essence isn’t lost in the process.
Some of the areas you must cover before you start expanding include:
· Using analytics tools to track your tribe’s trends, habits and preferences, so you can expand in the right way…
· Calculating acquisition and operating costs, and projecting future costs so your expansion doesn’t cripple your finances…
· Optimizing your marketing tools and community features…
· And keeping YOURSELF in an optimal state of productivity, self-confidence and enthusiasm, so you can lead a million people as effectively as you’d lead a thousand.
If it wasn’t for my own personal expansions, I wouldn’t be here to write this report for you. In fact every good thing that has ever happened to my tribal businesses has come from expansion…
I started in affiliate marketing, and expanded to internet marketing.
Then, after spending years growing and monetizing that tribe, I expanded into app development.
And finally, I set up my Deep Origins business – which I’m still expanding today at a rate of 300 – 500 new members a day.
There are so many ways and opportunities to expand – even this page you’re reading is one of my many growth strategies!
The Perks Of Leading An ABASE Powered Tribe
· An authentic and passion-fuelled life. By putting you at the heart of your tribe, ABASE lets you be surrounded by nothing less than the people, activities, ideas and values that align with your highest self.
· Vast and diversified earning potential. From events to training programs to merchandise, ABASE gives you a treasure chest of strategies for monetizing your tribe – and having them love you for it.
· Mass scale impact. How do you want to change the world? ABASE trains you to to leverage your tribe to achieve far bigger goals and positive change than you could ever manage by yourself.
· The freedom to work and play as you like. Want to take a 6-month vacation? Work 3 days a week? Run your tribe from a different country every year? Whatever lifestyle perk you want, ABASE gives you the power to make it happen.
· The space to grow, if you want to. Whether you’re looking to dramatically expand your tribe, or even just nurture a more intimate community, ABASE gives you the expansion and maintenance tools do it effectively, smoothly and affordably.
Now, I Invite You To Master The ABASE Formula… Gain Today’s Most Powerful Tribal Marketing Strategies, Tools & Technologies… And Become One Of Just 500 Entrepreneurs To Take This Journey ALL THE WAY By Joining…
You’ve heard of Fortune 500, Inc. 500 and 500 Startups. Now, the people-first economy emerging worldwide makes this the perfect time for the Tribe500…
An incubator of just 500 entrepreneurs. On a mission to pioneer a new generation of tribal businesses… that harness the strategies used by the world’s top marketers and leaders to create mass scale wealth, growth and impact…
By engaging and monetizing communities of passionate fans.
What you’ll learn in this incubator… are the exact tools, techniques and insights I’ve used to build dozens of seven-figure tribes in various niches – synthesized into the ABASE formula I just showed you.
But this is far more than just a training program: because you’ll also gain access to the hive mind: the collective ideas, support and positive vibes of not just the other 499 members – but also my team and I.
The end game of Tribe500 is to empower each of our members with a thriving next-generation business with a following so loyal… it grows and profits almost on autopilot.
And business and wealth aside, you’ll also gain a lifestyle surrounded by the people, causes and opportunities of YOUR choosing (just imagine waking up to that kind of reality every day, instead of the usual daily grind).
If you share this vision of what your career and your life could be… then read on to discover how to enter our fold…
The Tribe500 Live Online Incubator Program Gives You 6 Weeks Of Bi-Weekly Group Training Sessions Including:
· A detailed game plan for achieving YOUR tribal leadership goals – customizable to your personal objectives, your market, your unique strengths, and the barriers that have been holding you back.
· The fastest, most cost-effective steps to building your tribe from scratch – including little-known cost and time-saving tips for buying your domain, setting up your website, and starting your lead capture and email marketing campaigns.
· A highly precise understanding of every moving part in the ABASE tribe building formula – so you can nail every step, maximize your results and avoid costly errors.
· Craft one of my upcoming products launches with me! We’ll build the marketing plan, setup the backend, design the offer and website and more on live online build sessions for one of my upcoming products in early 2015 – so you get an authentic insight into what it REALLY takes to design and execute your own successful launch.
· Detailed walkthroughs of the research methods the tribe building pros use to gain deep insights into their followers – which you can use to strike a nerve and get passionate responses every time you communicate with yours through social media, email, etc.
· Step-by-step tutorials for mastering software, online platforms and other technology you can use in unexpected ways to expand, engage and monetize your audience (including Quantcast, Alexa, Google, LeadPages, Facebook, YouTube and social media).
· The Facebook Advertising Domination Formula: from ad strategy to advertising guidelines to what NOT to do, these 5 simple steps will allow you to rapidly gather and expand your tribe by turning Facebook into your own lead-generating machine (wait till you see how I use Facebook ads to get 15 cent optins in any niche).
· The 7 steps to building your perfect passive income marketing funnel – just adapt it to your niche, and this field tested and done-for-you ‘Perfect Funnel System’ will reward you with a reliable and sustainable stream of passive income (plus the freedom to scale your tribe quickly and affordably).
· Everything you need to know about effective, profitable, relationship-boosting email marketing campaigns and sequences (I’ll deconstruct my best ones and hand them to you for immediate use).
· Today’s best traffic sources, techniques and campaigns for optimizing your lead acquisition campaigns, skyrocketing your EPCs (even if you don’t know what that stands for), and enjoying affordable traffic from any platform, from Google Adwords to Facebook (I’ll even show you exactly how I built a list of 30,000 ancient history fans at minimal cost in under 3 months.)
· A guide to earning money through other people’s tribes: how to attract and retain the best JV partners and affiliates, and even absorb their offerings into your funnel for more income on autopilot.
· Irresistible linguistic, psychological and copywriting ‘triggers’ you can use to quickly convert cold and lukewarm leads into loyal tribe members, saving you time and money.
· Inspiring case studies and tutorials from my 14 years of tribe building experience – including how I used a 60-minute training video to generate over $128,000 from a small list of affiliates, and the strategies my peers and I use to often double our launch revenue.
· An easy-to-follow holistic wellbeing plan for optimal physical, mental and emotional health as you lead your tribe – the same one I used to go from an overweight, alcohol-dependent party animal with high blood pressure… to getting into the best physical and mental shape of my life.
· Plus intimate training sessions with my core team members that build successful tribal businesses with me, including:
· My business partner Joe Fier, a veteran online entrepreneur, multimedia producer and operations manager who has generated over $50 million for his clients.
· My copywriter and marketing strategist Omar Michael, whose marketing campaigns have earned over $20 million in the personal growth industry.
· My wife and content creator Puja Shah, whose blog posts and articles generate over 500,000 unique impressions every month.
And a TON more…
The Tribe500 Core Curriculum At A Glance:
- Real-Life Case Studies
- Social Media Domination Training
- Traffic & Conversion Training
- Tracking & Optimization Training
- Psychology & Influence Training
- Leadership Training
- JV Training
- Tribe Management Technology Tutorials
- Self Mastery Training
Joining The Tribe500 Gives You Access To 12 Live Online Training Sessions (Plus A Variety Of Bonus Sessions)…
High-Impact Results In Your Business Revenue & Growth…
And Lifetime Access To The Tribe500 Community – Including Our Team, Our Members And Our Network Of World-Class Tribe Builders.
As a member of the Tribe500, you get lifetime access to our private member’s area: where you’ll tune into your live sessions, and interact with our collective of tribal entrepreneurs.
Once you’re in, you’ll enjoy continuous learning – and an endless ocean of profitable ideas and enlightening discussions – from entrepreneurs, marketers and professionals running all sorts of businesses and experiments.
(Not to mention me – I’m sharing stuff in here almost every day!)
The income you’ll earn, the time you’ll save, the mistakes you’ll avoid, and the connections you’ll make… make this feature alone just as valuable as the course itself.
In fact, the value you’ll get is so powerful, that…
The Tribe500 Is Not Just An Investment In Your Business – But In Your Life.
You see, I’m here to help you build a business that is far more profitable, scalable and sustainable than anything you’ve ever managed in the past. The secret sauce is in the fact that your tribe finances and scales your business for you.
I wonder what it would be worth to you to have a community of adoring fans who anticipate your products like Apple fans anticipate new iPhones. And who organically grow your business every day by turning their friends into your fans too.
I can tell you from experience… it changes everything. Because it removes so much of the pressure from doing business, so you can…
· Stop worrying about covering your monthly overheads, and instead plan for even HIGHER profit margins…
· Flip around your slow business or revenue growth into RAPID expansion…
· Never again burn out your list with excessive marketing, and instead delight them with everything you sell…
· And even stop losing sleep over rising lead acquisition costs, and let your tribe do the marketing for you!
Take a second and imagine the impact owning that kind of business would have on your LIFE.
You finally get to work as few (or as many) hours as you like each week.
You work when you want, from wherever you want.
You have way more time to do what you love – whether it’s taking vacations with the family, or going bowling on a Wednesday afternoon.
In fact, your work becomes something you love too – because you’re creating, connecting and earning money on your own terms.
And speaking of money, your generous tribe will transform it from an axe hanging over your head… to a game you play just to keep store.
All that is absolutely worth the $997 you’ll invest in joining the Tribe 500 – even more so because…
You’ll Get Far More Out Of These Live Online Sessions Compared To Any Pre-Recorded Training You’ve Ever Used.
Why? The secret sauce is personalized interactivity. You’ll sink your teeth into real-time exercises with real-time feedback. You’ll get instant answers to every question. You’ll dictate the pace and focus of each session.
We’ll even build campaigns, sites and products on the sessions.
Plus, we’ll be taking this journey as a TRIBE: all 500 of us supporting each other every step of the way.
It’s your seat at a digital campfire surrounded by passionate people on the exact same journey as you!
“But What If I Can’t Make It For
Some Of The Live Sessions?”
You might get busy and miss some sessions – I understand that! That’s why each session will be recorded and swiftly uploaded to your membership site.
We’ll also activate a discussion area after each session, so you can still get guidance and answers to any questions you have after watching your recordings.
Upgrade Your Career, Your Income & Your Life With The Tribe 500 Incubation Program
The Tribe500 Is My Latest In A Series Of Acclaimed Growth Programs That Have Helped Over 200,000 Entrepreneurs Leverage Emerging Opportunities For Profit And Expansion…
I’ll Hand You My Entire Tribe Building Technology Infrastructure: Just Install… Use It To Build & Manage Your Tribe… And Save Months Of Development Time + Costs.
I am blown away by our community’s support for the Tribe500 movement… and I’ve decided to give away something BIG to show just how grateful I am:
I want you to have my entire push-button technology infrastructure that will allow you to easily and efficiently…
· Build stunning, functional, high-converting websites…
· Feature irresistible social plugins on your sites – including comment sections, gamification and custom share buttons…
· And even serve your tribe a membership site with Facebook-like features: including groups, messaging and more.
On your own, it would take you weeks or months to compile, figure out and optimize this infrastructure – but I’m setting up and even installing everything for you…
So you can be up and running within minutes.
I can’t even begin to explain how valuable this bonus is. You save thousands of dollars in service and technology costs. You dodge the steep learning curve. You get easy-to-follow instructions. Plus you avoid any potentially costly trial and error…
All so you can focus on what really matters: serving and growing your tribe.
The time-consuming nature of this bonus service means I can only offer it to the first 50 people to join the Tribe500 Live Online Incubator. Bonus slots are running our fast, so please secure yours NOW to qualify.
The First Ever Tribe500 Live Online Incubator Begins On January 5th 2015…
Book Your Spot Now And Enjoy A Generous Pioneer Discount
I’d love to reward you for being one of the first entrepreneurs on the planet to join this tribe and movement… and to co-create this vision with us!
All I ask in return is your sincere participation and feedback throughout the course.
Who knows what we’ll end up creating together?
Your Pioneer Discount remains valid until midnight on January 4th,
or when we reach our cap of 500 participants – whichever comes first.
But Can You Promise Me Something In Return?
Before you even think about taking up one of these 500 spots… I need you to promise me that you’ll do what it takes to build your tribal business.
Because the fact is, even the best business advice on earth won’t work until you apply it.
And this tribal entrepreneurship formula, as simple as it may be, still requires REAL WORK.
(Like anything else that’s worthwhile.)
The real reward lies in what you GET for that work:
· A nearly self-sustaining, self-expanding business.
· More revenue for less work.
· A hungry and loyal tribe of customers and FANS.
· The chance to genuinely change lives and make an IMPACT.
· And the satisfaction of having a business that thrives on your passions and your most authentic personality.
Whatever you put into your Tribe500 experience, you get back in spades. So why not get started today – and let tribal entrepreneurship reward you for the rest of your working life?
More Information: Please check more value courses here !
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