IN10SE – Symbolic Morphology


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IN10SE – Symbolic Morphology

Symbols include colors, music, words, shapes…even objects (like a flag or a cross). The American flag for instance is anchored to the Star-spangled banner, baseball games and times spent as a child, family bonding, and of course patriotism. A powerful symbol has anchored to it very powerful feelings, and even the unconscious collective emotions of the species. Some of these symbols include those found in the Tarot, Zodiac, and elemental signs (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Spirit). This is about programming on the Neurosomatic (Body/Mind Universal Consciousness) level. So where does the fractionation come in? Read book…

About Author:

IN10SE aka Twotimer

created OctoberMan

If you’ve ever read “The Game”, you know IN10se aka ‘TwoTimer’ and his forbidden NLP pattern: The October Man Sequence. Legend has it, saying these magic words will instantly get a girl so attracted to you, she will want to tear your clothes off, and take you home right away. And in this article, I’ll reveal some of it’s secret background, hidden psychology, and even tell you how to see the one – and only – Demonstration of The Octoberman Sequence ever recorded on video.

But you have to hang out with Twotimer and me some time. We’ve been sarging with Ross Jeffries a lot. Yeah, I use a canned opener, then I elicit her values and find out her trance words. And then I go into one of the secret patterns. Do you know the October Man sequence? – Strauss, Neil. The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists. 1st ed. 2005. p.39.

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