John Greengo – Canon 60D Fast Start
Canon 60D Fast Start, John Greengo – Canon 60D Fast Start, Canon 60D Fast Start download, John Greengo – Canon 60D Fast Start review, Canon 60D Fast Start free torent
John Greengo – Canon 60D Fast Start
1. Introduction
2. Button Layout
3. Display System
4. Menu System
5. Camera Operation
6. Lenses And Accessories
7. Next Steps
A Step-By-Step Guide To Getting The Most Out Of Your Camera.
Join John Greengo for an in-depth step-by-step tour of the Canon® EOS 60D. With a hands-on introduction to your camera’s operations, detailed instructions on how all the menus work, and easy tips on how to shoot great photos with this specific camera model.
Anika Chatziioannidou
June 2021
This is extremely good class to get to know your Canon EOS 60D. I have learnt and enjoyed it and would definitely recommend it to others. Reading instruction manual was a daunting task and this course just explained everything I needed to know very simply and understandably.
Jamie Murray
September 2017
I’m finding the course very helpful. I am only three lessons into the course, but I’ve already found and used several adjustments I was unaware of, and I’ve had my camera for about 20 years. It is definitely worth the time and money, and I would recommend it to others. I do, however find the chat room questions distracting, because, so far the questions have not pertained to this course, and I feel it disrupts the flow of the course.
June 2016
I’ve had my 60D for about two years now and from listening to John teach the ins and outs of the camera has been very helpful. I’ve reset a couple of my settings and learned what a few of the buttons actually do! John speaks from the heart as he knows his subject, so it’s easy to follow along and learn! Thanks for all your time, effort and talent, John!!
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