Hannah Chan – Get Him Obsessed – High Value Woman



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Hannah Chan – Get Him Obsessed – High Value Woman

Get Him Obsessed
How To Get Almost Any High-Value Man Practically Obsessed 
With You… Without Manipulation, Playing Games, Or 
Pretending To Be Someone You’re Not

Dear High Value Woman,
If you keep attracting low-value men who:

❌ Split the bill when they should be spoiling you
❌ Manipulate you into having sex with them
❌ Or ghost you out of nowhere just when you thought
things were going well…

Then this will be the most important message you ever read.

See, I’ve just released this brand-new course called: Get Him Obsessed.

It’s the secrets I’ve discovered from settling for average men who would just want to hook up…

To finding and keeping a high value man who randomly surprises me with flowers…

Takes me on 5-star hotel holidays to places like Dubai, Mykonos, and London…

Always tells me to take his credit card with me when I go get my nails done and reminds me to get my toes done too…

And laughs at me whenever I try to pick up the bill.

Now I want to give you my cheat-codes on exactly how you can get almost any high-value man obsessed with you. Without playing games, using cheap manipulation tactics, or pretending to be someone you’re not.

Here’s what you’ll discover inside Get Him Obsessed:

Module 1: Invisible Forces Holding You Back From Getting The Man You Deserve

  • The real reason you’re attracting broke, low-effort men, and fuckboys (and what you need to do to start catching the eye of high quality men TODAY)
  • ​Why focusing on dating manipulation, tricks and ‘tips’ is the worst thing you can do to attract men of quality (and what you should do instead)
  • ​The 4 things every man must have in order to be considered a high value man (if he’s missing any, think twice before dating him)
  • ​Manifest the man of your dreams faster with this weird ‘mind reframe’

Module 2: Basic Bitch Dating Mistakes Keeping You Single

  • The “Black Dress” secret that practically guarantees you’ll always give off non-needy vibes which makes men fall for you
  • ​Why “dumb” strippers and hoes have rich, successful men falling madly in love with them, and how to use their dirty secrets to activate men’s most primal, inner desire to not only fall for you, but downright spoil you (without doing anything slutty or getting too sexual too soon)
  • ​The “Reverse Triangle Formula” to know with 90% accuracy if a man is worth your time so you don’t fall for the wrong guy again
  • ​The REAL way to be different from other women interested in him. Hint: it’s not about looks, age, or how successful you are. Master this and he’ll go crazy for you without ever knowing why
  • ​Is he losing interest? Never commit this common sin to try to get him back. It’ll only push him away further, and leave you heartbroken wondering what you did wrong

Module 3: How To Get The Princess Treatment From Almost Any Man You Meet

  • How to get damn near whatever you want while making him think he’s fully in control
  • ​Why femininity isn’t about being weak, wearing girly clothes, depending on a guy for money, or playing the role of a housewife. And how to use its deadly but innocent powers to get men to spoil you with flowers, gifts, nice dinners, or whatever your greedy heart desires 😈
  • ​STOP trying to impress him with how successful or independent you are. You’re turning the right men off! Here’s what they’re actually attracted to that has little to do with your education, career, or even your looks
  • ​How to trigger into his “Hero Instinct” so he happily spends money on you and spoils you without you ever having to ask for it (the best part is, he never expects anything in return other than gratitude because of how much he’ll enjoy taking care of you)
  • ​The 5 things high value men really look for in a woman (it’s not to do with your looks or how successful you are) – do these things and you will have the cheat-codes to any man’s heart

Module 4: Getting Him Downright Obsessed By Letting Him Lead

  • CONTROVERSIAL: Why modern-day feminism is causing you to subconsciously repel high value men without you even realising it
  • ​Did you know even the most confident men can be scared to approach you or ask you out for fear of getting rejected? Use this stupid simple trick to lower his ‘rejection resistance’ – so he’s 3x more likely to approach you or ask you on a date
  • ​The WORST way to get him to ask you out on a second date (this is how most women do it) – and the “Handkerchief” technique to get him to ask you on a second date without kissing him or going home with him
  • ​What he ISN’T saying is more important than what he IS saying. Here’s what to look out for to tell if he’s interested or not (they’re not the obvious ones you’re thinking of)
  • ​Red flags: real life screenshots and examples of men who you should watch out for (hint: you’ve probably come across one before and didn’t realize until it was too late)

Bonus Module #1: Text To Get Him Obsessed

  • The easy way to develop a strong connection with a guy that makes him go crazy for you, and even choose you over other girls – even if you don’t think you’re a good conversationalist or get nervous on first dates
  • ​Text him in a way that causes an explosion of dopamine to flood his brain and keeps him coming back for more without playing games or pretending to be unavailable
  • ​The 6/5/5 “predictor” to figure out how much he likes you over text. No more putting his texts in the group chat with the girlies playing detective to see if he likes you or not!
  • ​Conversation Killer: The common thing everyone says on a first date that ALWAYS kills the vibe and leaves the conversation awkward and going nowhere

Bonus Module #2: Subtle Mindset Switch To Go From Being “Just Another Woman” In His Eyes To “The Only One For Him” 

  • The 5 boxes you absolutely must check off in order for him to see you as ‘the one’ instead of just another woman he gets bored of after a few dates (miss any one of these and you’re toast)
  • ​Most women never make it past a few dates because he gets bored or doesn’t see her as the one. Here’s how to be the kind of woman who lights a fire inside him so he sees you as his gamechanger, not just another woman he dates.
  • ​High value men find THIS trait repulsive in a woman..make sure you never accidentally turn him off by doing this one thing (you’re probably already guilty of it at least once in your life)
  • ​Does he secretly think you’re boring? Stop doing this immediately and he’ll always want to be around you because of how you make him feel
  • ​From the moment a man sees you, he’ll either see you as a hook up, or a commitment. Here’s what you need to know so you’re almost always be placed in the commitment category

Bonus Module #3: Become His Chemical Addiction With These Flirting Techniques 

  • Why the way you’re currently flirting is secretly turning off good men, and what to do instead to become his ‘crack’ and become downright obsessed with you
  • Are you awkward and bad at flirting? Here’s how to have 3 minute conversations that will have him thinking about you for days after even if you think you suck at talking to men
  • ​5 simple things you can do to subtly show interest without coming across too strong or desperate
  • ​The key to having him be sexually attracted you without thinking you’re a slut or only good for a hook-up (this works even better if you don’t think you’re conventionally attractive)
  • ​One easy thing you can do on dates to tap into his subconscious desire and make him feel like protecting you is his top priority so you get the princess treatment every day, even months after he’s won you over

But all the secrets you’re about to discover inside this course didn’t come easily to me


As well as hours of my own time researching and surveying high value men to understand how they think and what they look for in women.

So what you’ll learn from this course is worth at least $1000.

I mean…

What is it worth to you to finally have the power that so few women have..

To be able to get any high value man obsessed with you instead of entertaining low-effort dates that lead to nowhere or lead to you being straight up ghosted?

But you don’t have to pay $1000 to access something that will transform your dating life and help you get the man you want practically obsessed with you. Not even close.

And even though what you’re about to get is worth $256, you won’t even invest a fraction of that today to get your hands on “Get Him Obsessed” and all the bonuses.

You might be thinking “Hannah..why are you giving everything away for less than the price of a manicure?” 

That’s simple..because if you’re reading this, you’re the kind of woman who works on herself.

You work hard in life and have the kind of mindset where you take action.

And my goal is for this to be accessible to as many women as possible so they can get the man they deserve since I struggled so much in the past with shitty dates from low value men.

Not only that, when you get a taste of my coaching and are blown away you’ll want to sign up to work with me in the future.



Or you can choose to invest in yourself so you finally get the man you deserve, who treats you like a princess. The kind of man who’s proud to show you off on his social media and who has your friends asking “does he have a brother?”

Plus the price of this is such a no-brainer that I may very well increase the price in the near future.

More Information: Please check more value courses here !

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