Mind Enhancement Systems – Mindful Power Bundle Part 5
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Mind Enhancement Systems – Mindful Power Bundle Part 5
Mindful Power Part 5: “Resourceful Interaction Technique”
In this part of the Mindful Power audio program you will learn how to deal effectively with confrontation and relationship issues.
This recording will teach you how to quickly and easily broaden your perspective as well as shift perceptual positions, no matter how complicated your interaction with another may be. With a broader view and a multiple perception stand-point you will have greater freedom to consciously choose your responses in any type of interaction with people.
Victor Frankl said: “Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.”
What you will discover in this recording is a way of broadening the space between stimulus and response and from that space, responding to your situation mindfully.
Here are some ideas to support positive outcomes in your dealings with others:
The only way other people, including your family and friends exists for you is through your perceptions. Our perceptions determine how we behave. Our behavior influences the behavior of those with whom we interact, which in turn influences our perception about them. And so the cycle goes. In other words, the way in which people behave validates our perception of them, and so we always get to be right. Therefore our perceptions become self-fulfilling prophecies that keep recycling in our life.
Problems occur in relationships when you get stuck in your point of view. When you refuse to see the situation from another’s perspective as well as a more distant objective perspective, but only from your map of reality, then problems are inevitable.
Being able to shift perspectives between your position and another’s position and a meta / observer position as and when needed will lead to better communication, understanding, respect, compassion and harmony in that relationship.
This doesn’t mean that you stick around in an unwanted or abusive relationship. It means that you become empowered to act from a broader perspective of what is really going on. You are able to resourcefully choose what is in your best interest and move in that direction without resentment or negativity or any sense of loss.
You’re only response-able for your own thoughts, feelings and behaviors. When we try change other people’s thoughts, feelings and behaviors it often leads to disappointment and suffering. Changing your point of view and therefore your ability to respond differently in a relationship is the best chance you have of having a happy, healthy and successful partnership.
Fulfillment in relationships means not depending on someone else. Fulfillment is the privilege of an open mind and flexible points of view.
When we realize that at a deep level we are interconnected not only with our loved ones, but also with everyone and everything in nature, then we begin to treat others the way we would like to be treated.
It’s important to take responsibility for your feelings and to articulate them. When describing your feelings, choose words that express what you are experiencing, as in “I feel sad, lonely, frustrated, jealous.” Avoid using words that reinforce your sense of victimization, such as “I feel neglected, rejected, betrayed.” Avoid judging others, you are informing them about your feelings, rather than blaming them for something that only you are responsible for anyway.
In The Mindful Power Resourceful Interaction Technique you will learn to observe your internal reactions in relation to people with whom you’d like interact more positively or resourcefully. This enables you to loosen your identification with thoughts like: “He shouldn’t have done that”, “She should be more understanding”, “Him saying that means he doesn’t care for me” etc. Observing your thoughts in this way also enables you to more easily shift your attention away from limiting perceptions and identify with broader views that show you a greater truth.
In The Mindful Power Resourceful Interaction Technique you will utilize the skill of peripheral vision to look beyond the person with whom you want to relate to better. This opens the aperture of your awareness (so to speak) by focusing not only on the person that you’re communicating with, but also on the space around them, as well as the space, or energy that connects you with that person. If you can’t see their entire body, then you might be too much in their face, and you will miss out on what they communicate with their hands and feet. Also, by broadening your perceptual field and softening your gaze, you are able to relate to the whole human being in front of you rather than just their label.
The entire The Mindful Power Resourceful Interaction Technique works even if you’re on the phone, or if the other person is not currently in your physical presence, since just visualizing the steps in this technique will have healing and empowering effects.
Think about the relationships or interactions with others where you would like to be more empowered or resourceful…
Consider how you will experience those relationships or interactions when you’re feeling great and responding to those people in just the way that you’d like to…
…This is what’s possible for you when applying what you will learn in this part of the Mindful Power audio program.
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