Jamie Smart – Salad – Secrets of the Superstar NLPers ft Coaches
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Jamie Smart – Salad – Secrets of the Superstar NLPers ft Coaches
Jamie Smart is about to CONFIRM something you may have always suspected…
He recently spoke at a large business-building event for NLPers, coaches, trainers & consultants.
As each speaker hit the stage, the people in the audience furiously scribbled the nuggets of wisdom they hoped
would SKYROCKET them to success.
They heard how…
You need to use Twitter, Facebook & Linked-in to build a devoted following
You have to write books to get your name out there & establish credibility
You’ve gotta become a mini-celebrity, & use PR to get into the spotlight
You need to make videos to use the power of Youtube
Plus you’d better go through a step-by-step business building plan or you will surely fail
And so on, & so on, & so on…
But as each speaker LEFT the stage, the sense of desperation in the audience went up a notch.
Because they were unintentionally being led into three subtle but powerful traps:
TRAP NUMBER 1 – The Pit of Passivity
When someone is feeling like they “can’t” do something, they experience themselves as passive, at eect,
They think something like “I can’t do it, & even if I knew what to do, I still wouldn’t be able to do it.”
It’s a classic limitation pattern, & when people have it, they tend to look OUTSIDE themselves for help (Eg. to
The expert shares their knowledge to the best of their ability, & the person scribbles pages of notes.
HOWEVER… they tend NOT to put what they’re learning into action, because they think the power is outside
them (in the “expert”).
Secretly, they think “That works for the Expert, but there’s something dierent about them – I can’t do it”.
The actions stay in their notebook, & rarely see the light of day.
Q: Be honest… How often have you read a book, listened to an audio programme, or been to an event, heard
tons of good ideas, then failed to take action?
If you’re anything like me, you’ve fallen into “the pit of passivity” more than once. And it’s not your fault!
It was inevitable when you experienced yourself as being in the “I can’t” space.
Fortunately, there’s an (admittedly counterintuitive) way to get free from this trap. But rst…
TRAP NUMBER 2 – The Illusion of the Expert
“The expert” is typically someone who’s found a way to accomplish something that works for them.
They share what they’ve done in good conscience, because they “know” that if you do what they did, you’ll get
the results they got. But they’re missing a crucial piece…
The expert came up with an approach that ts with THEIR unique abilities, THEIR personality style, THEIR
beliefs & THEIR life. But there’s one problem…
You’re not THEM! Their approach ISN’T necessarily a good t for your unique abilities, your personality style &
your life.
Q: How often have you heard someone share a “guaranteed, step-by-step process”, then failed to take the
Once again, if you’re anything like me, you’ve done it more than once.
And again, it’s not your fault. You were seduced by the illusion of the expert.
Someone else’s process will ONLY work for you if you can integrate it using your OWN power & process.
Fortunately, there’s an unexpected way out of this subtle trap too, but rst…
TRAP NUMBER 3 – The Folly of Form Over Substance
All of the experts at the event were sharing the dierent FORMS people could use to “get out there” & make a
great living (Twitter, Facebook, Publishing, Email Lists, PR etc).
But none of them were talking about the most important thing…
You see, he know lots of the world’s “Superstar” NLPers, coaches, trainers & consultants.
Many of them are close personal friends, mates who I hang around with, & they all share one thing in common:
They’re all PHENOMENAL at what they do.
They don’t just do NLP techniques, coach, train or consult.
They AWAKEN people to who they really are, & connect them to their sense of purpose in life…
Not only that, but they have a sense of grounding and wellbeing that is infectious.
When I hit the stage that day, I asked the audience a question…
“Would you like to know how to make A LOT more money as an NLPer, coach, trainer or consultant?”
“YES” they all shouted. “OK” I replied. Here’s the SUBSTANCE of what you need to do…
“You need to become a PHENOMENAL NLPer, coach, trainer or consultant!”
You see, as I think about the “Superstars”, they actually have several things in common:
a) As I said, they’re phenomenal at what they do. They AWAKEN people.
b) They have a deep sense of grounding & wellbeing
c) They have a certain fearlessness
d) They are 100% authentic, & show who they really are to the world
e) They all know a secret: they know one thing with absolute certainty…
So what’s the ONE secret all the SUPERSTARS know that’s a MYSTERY to all the other NLPers, coaches, trainers
& consultants?
It’s this. You see, before someone is willing to pay you a handsome price for your NLP, coaching, training or
consulting skills, they have to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you’re going to get them the results they
When I tell this to people, they ask me “So how can I let clients know that I can get them the results they
Here’s the ONE SECRET all the Superstar NLPers, coaches, trainers & consultants know…
Your clients will know you can deliver the results once YOU know you can deliver the results…
When you develop absolute faith in your ability to get people the results they want, & to AWAKEN them to who
they are, you TELEGRAPH that to others.
When you nd a deep sense of grounding, security & wellbeing within yourself, other people feel secure &
grounded when they’re with you.
When you develop true fearlessness, you let others know that there’s nothing to be afraid of.
When you become 100% authentic, you let your clients know that it’s OK to be themselves.
Secrets of the Superstar NLPers, Coaches, Trainers & Consultants DVD Programme…
In this spectacular 5 disc DVD Programme, for the rst time ever, he’s going to be sharing the secrets of the
Superstar NLPers, coaches, trainers & consultants, & helping you break out of the 3 Subtle Traps FOR GOOD &
really give your gifts to the world…
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Imagine being able to…
Make a 6 or 7 gure income, doing work that you’re passionate about, with absolute faith in your ability to
make a profound dierence in the lives of others.
How good would you feel, looking at your bank account each month & seeing a handful of 4 or 5-gure sums
paid in by people who’ve hired you because they KNOW you’re going to make a profound dierence in their
Live a lifestyle that you love, with the time freedom to do what you want to do, awakening others wherever you
Whether that means waking up in a tropical climate during the winter months, spending real quality time with
the people who are most precious to you, or spending your mornings in a coee shop, catching up on the stack
of books you’ve been wanting to read for years – it’s for YOU to discover the kind of lifestyle that suits who you
Evolve from doing NLP, coaching, training or consulting to AWAKENING people.
It’s truly humbling when your clients look into your eyes & say things like “I just didn’t realise that you could feel
THIS good, and could have so much clarity!”
Live from a deep sense of inner security, wellbeing & peace of mind that you share with clients, friends & family
The things which used to freak you out suddenly lose their power to bother you.
Be a master communicator, playing at the top of your game, inspiring & helping others in profound &
meaningful ways.
It’s a great feeling to see your listeners utterly spellbound as you capture their attention with powerful stories &
Have that sense of true fearlessness that allows you to be true to yourself (men & women alike nd this quality
INCREDIBLY attractive).
I can’t describe how amazing it feels to know that you’re being 100% true to yourself, & walking your own path.
Wake up each day with a sense of excitement and anticipation, knowing that you’re making a real dierence in
the world & truly helping others.
Jamie Smart has identied the 6 key areas (the Superstar-Qualities) where the Superstars really shine, 3 Inner
Qualities & 3 Outer Qualities.
In this powerful 5 disc DVD programme, we’re going to go IN-DEPTH into the Six Superstar-Qualties, & he’s
going to be “activating” these areas within you (you’re also going to be getting a BOATLOAD of practical skills).
The qualities you’re about to learn about are like the foundation for a skyscraper.
Once you’ve got a solid foundation, you can go up 100 stories or more.
But without a solid foundation, it’s just a house of cards that could topple at any moment.
The reason so many NLPers, coaches, trainers & consultants have trouble with the “sales & marketing” side of
things is because they haven’t got a strong foundation in place.
It’s like trying to hang the pictures & do the wallpapering before the walls are even in PLACE!
But once you have solid foundations, you can apply whichever tactics are a good t for you (this is where social
media, listbuilding, PR, copywriting & all the other tactics come into their own).
Superstar-Quality Number 1 – Your Understanding
Your understanding of the nature of reality, & of people’s capacity for transformation, is one of the most
powerful resources you can possess.
He’s not just talking about an intellectual understanding – you’re going to experience a deeply embodied
knowing, about yourself, your fellow human-beings & your world.
You’re going to REALLY get…
The “unsuspected inner resource” that exists within each person, an ever-present source of security, peace &
That mental health & clarity is only ever a heartbeat away – a clarity that allows you to instantly eliminate
anxiety, procrastination & hesitation.
The true nature of how the mind works, & your innite ability to let go of limitation & see new perspectives &
The true nature of reality, & how we’ve ALL been fooled by a awed understanding.
Just seeing this “trick of the mind” is enough to free you from the curse of stress, worry & anxiety forever.
Jamie invites you to STOP for a moment & ponder these questions:
What would it be like for you to be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that you can give these gifts to your clients,
regardless of their circumstances?
How good would it feel for you to have these for yourself?
Superstar-Quality Number 2 – Your Grounding
One of the things you can’t miss when you meet a Superstar is their “grounding”, because you feel good when
you’re around them.
A person’s ground of being is more than just their state (though their state is a big part of it) – it’s about your
FELT relationship to yourself, to your world, & to your fellow human beings.
Here are some of the elements of grounding you’re going to be DEEPLY experiencing…
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A profound acceptance, of yourself & others. Acceptance is a MASSIVE connection-builder, & is one of the
reasons that Superstars can connect so quickly & easily with others.
The sense of fearlessness & inner security that comes from experiencing yourself as the source of your
Again, this isn’t some intellectual hogwash to trot out at dinner parties – he’s talking about an embodied, felt
experience that will nourish & support you. (It also eliminates neediness, the ultimate client-repellent).
A deep sense of peace & wellbeing.
This is one of the BIG things that makes it so pleasant to be around the Superstars, & one of the reasons they
can charge big bucks.
Imagine feeling so good that people will pay HUGE sums of money to spend time with you.
True authenticity, being REAL: that rarest & most valuable of qualities. Superstar author, entrepreneur & socialmedia commentator Gary Vaynerchuk credits authenticity as one of the most important contributors to his
multi-million dollar success.
The GPS / Sat-nav system for your life.
This inner resource is a context-sensitive, situationally relevant guidance system for your life, & your success, &
it’s calibrated to everything about you – your personality, your strengths & weaknesses, even your life-purpose
(whether you’re aware of it or not).
It’s your ULTIMATE decision making tool.
You’re also going to be cultivating a deepening sense of presence. I
f you’ve ever spent time with a Superstar, then you’re already aware of the sense of presence they bring.
This is one of the things that makes Superstars so eective at what they do (it’s also a SUPER attractive
Superstar-Quality Number 3 – Your Connection
Superstars can create a powerful connection with other people, fast.
They make others feel at ease & important, not through rapport techniques, but through genuine connection.
In fact, this is one of the curious things about becoming a Superstar: you start seeing yourself as having MORE
in common with other people, not less.
This is what makes it so easy for people to connect with you.
Here’s what you’ll be coming away with:
Super-rapport – The ability to connect with ANYONE at a deep level, & relate to them as a fellow human being.
One of the creators of NLP once said that the key is to “get in touch with the human being inside”. You’re going
to learn how.
What he calls “Hypnotic Listening”, the ability to listen to someone so deeply that you get in touch with their
unconscious mind, & it starts communicating with you directly (I know this sounds impossible, but it’s a reality,
& you can learn how to do it).
This is one of the fastest rapport-deepeners I know!
Hypnotic mind-reading. OK, if Hypnotic Listening sounded impossible, I understand that this might seem just
plain crazy! But it’s a reality.
When you’re listening hypnotically, you start picking up information straight from their unconscious mind, &
yours will start responding.
Be prepared to notice yourself getting incredible intuitions; you’ll start knowing the perfect thing to say in more
& more situations (Imagine your clients, friends & colleagues responding in amazement!)
Eortless Inuence. Superstar-connection makes you eortlessly inuential.
The people he’s taught it to in the last few months have been BLOWN AWAY by the impact its having on their
businesses (one of my clients went for a coee with one of his customers.
Within an hour, he had a meeting with her MD. Within a week, he’d achieved his revenue target for the year. He
couldn’t believe it!)
You’ll even be able to “upload” positive emotions to your clients.
Can you imagine how good you’ll feel being able to give hope to someone who’s been hopeless, peace to
someone who’s been troubled, clarity to someone who’s been overwhelmed?
Better yet, you’re going to be feeling these positive emotions for yourself.
Please take a moment to consider the following:
What would it mean to you & for you to create such deep connection with people that they feel a deep sense of
trust, & truly know you can make a profound dierence in their lives?
What would it mean for your professional life, your relationships, your friendships?
Superstar-Quality Number 4 – Your Transformation Technology
Every Superstar I know has great Transformation Technology.
There are numerous Transformation Technologies out there, & I expect you have some personal favourites.
I’ve spent the last 14 years exploring this domain, & rening my understanding. In the process, I’ve studied with,
learned from & hung out with numerous Superstars.
He’s explored elds as varied as NLP, Hypnotherapy, Clean Language, Neuro-hypnotic Repatterning, Options
Method, Reiki, Provocative Therapy, Homeopathy & a variety of coaching, training & consulting systems.
What Jamie’s going to be sharing with you is “the best of the best” when it comes to Transformation
Technology for you & your clients.
While I’m one of the world’s best-known NLP trainers, for the last 18 months, he’s been testing a new “InsideOut” approach with my clients.
The results have been phenomenal, so now that they’re “tried & tested”, he’s ready to start sharing this new
understanding with the world.
You’re going to be learning my “best of breed” NLP Approaches, plus “Inside Out”, the most powerful
Transformation Technology on the planet:
How to take people into powerful SuperStates that they’d quite happily stay in for the rest of their lives
These are the underlying states that all other states are made of, so they can’t be accessed using traditional
NLP techniques.
How to alter a person’s consciousness so that things they’ve been perceiving as problems just disappear like
How to set a powerful direction before you even start so that your clients nd themselves changing, easily &
How to use a person’s concept of time to massively accelerate progress.
You probably already know the presuppositions of NLP (the map is not the territory etc), but now you’re going
to get them in the muscle, & live them.
Approaches for eliminating suering caused by worry, stress & anxiety forever.
You’re also going to be learning how to Awaken people to who they really are, & bring them into their true
power. Have you started to realise what an incredible gift this is?
You’re going to be learning the most powerful Transformation Technology on the planet.
And while NLP is starting to mature as a eld, “Inside-Out” is still in its infancy.
Imagine what it would have been like to be there 35 years ago, at the start of NLP…
Imagine if you had been “on the team” when NLP was rst discovered.
Can you imagine the sense of excitement & possibility?
The shared sense of hope & wonder, at discovering something with such power to heal & transform?
Do you think you would have had any idea that you’d be looking back in 35 years time & see what a HUGE
contribution you’d made to the world?
Now I’m going to invite you to imagine something 1000 times MORE amazing…
I’m talking about the next stage in human evolution…
Don’t get me wrong… NLP is one of the most extraordinary discoveries in human history.
I love NLP. It’s the most eective modeling technology in existence, & it’s the most powerful communication
skillset you can get.
The applications & techniques of NLP are truly amazing. But there’s something bigger…
Superstar-Quality Number 5 – Your Language
Every Superstar Jamie knows is a master of language.
They don’t all use it the same way, but they all use it very eectively.
They all intuitively realise that language is one of the BIGGEST leverage points when it comes to being an
eective inuencer & helping people change.
Because we all use language on a daily basis. He can’t think of ANYTHING that you get more opportunities to
practice & play with than language.
Here’s what’s in store for you…
You’re going to learn how to use stories & metaphors to create powerful shifts & transformations.
Even if you’ve never told a story in your life, I’m going to show you the secrets to creating compelling
You’re going to learn “laser questions” that get you right to the heart of the matter.
These don’t just help you gather information, these questions are so powerful that you’ll see people changing
before your eyes.
I’m going to share my favourite hypnotic language patterns with you.
Even if you’ve never done trancework in your life, you’re going to discover just how easy it is.
You’re going to be using language in ways that help people make profound shifts & changes.
You’re also going to learn a way of using language to awaken people to the reality of who they are.
Superstar-Quality Number 6 – Your Experience
Of the 6 Superstar Qualities, experience is the biggest variable.
Some of the Superstars have 20 years or more experience in their professions, while some have only 3 years.
2 or 3 years, & they’re a Superstar!?!
One of his Superstar friends has only been coaching for 3 years, but earned a large 6-gure sum last year, & has
already exceeded it this year.
With only 3 years’ experience? Is he any good???
Yes. He’s phenomenal. He’s one of the people I get to coach ME!
Another of my Superstar friends has only been consulting for 3 years, but gets amazing results, & gets charged
out at THOUSANDS per day. (I was in a workshop she was running recently, & got amazing value. I learned
things in just 2 days that have massively impacted my life!)
So what’s the common denominator when it comes to experience?
They all started doing it.
You’re going to get everything you need to enrichen your own track record…
The condence to go out there & get the right experiences for yourself.
Release from the self-doubt that may have been holding you back until now.
Freedom from the 3 subtle traps that hold people back.
Only you can get the experience that can propel you to Superstar Status, but I want to help you do it, because…
It can happen for you FAST!
If you’d have asked me ten years ago, I would have said it would take a long time to become a Superstar in this
eld, but I would have been wrong.
If you’re willing to develop the 6 Superstar Qualities, you can have it faster than you think…
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